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Did you know that drug abuse ruins your health ?

Discussion in 'Health' started by pnjoro, Jun 21, 2017.

  1. pnjoro

    pnjoro New Member

    Jun 21, 2017
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    Drug use can hurt all parts of your body and cause health problems that don't go away. Drug use, including smoking, can lead to diseases that can kill you, such as: heart disease stroke (brain injury from a blood clot) cancer HIV/AIDS hepatitis (a liver disease) lung disease A person high on drugs is more likely to have accidents while driving, at work, at home, at parties—anywhere. Drug use can make people angry and violent. They can hurt themselves as well as other people. Drug use can make people with depression feel worse—sometimes so bad that they want to end their own lives. Drug overdoses can kill people.
  2. Shana Peckover

    Shana Peckover New Member

    Jul 24, 2017
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    As someone who is a recovering drug addict, I agree with you 100 percent. Drugs make you angry, depressed, and even suicidal. I have felt all of these emotions at one point or another. It is a terrible cycle that will only get worse. Because of my weakness and inability to stand up on my own two feet, I have lost many things....friends, jobs, support of others, and my dignity......most of these never to be recovered.
    Anyone that assumes that they can experiment and that just one time won't hurt, is truly mistaken.
    Momoney likes this.
  3. Six Pennington

    Six Pennington New Member

    Nov 8, 2017
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    Drugs definitely ruin your health. They deprive your body of vital nutrients, witamins and minerals that you naturally need to fight off free radicals. It weakens your immune system which in turn allows infection, parasites and other harmful bacteria to override your nervous system.

    I understand how some drugs may be very addictive which is all the more reason I just avoid them at all cost.
  4. Anachiwo

    Anachiwo New Member

    Nov 21, 2017
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    Drugs are meant to be substances that helps one's health in positive way when it's being used appropriately the way it should. It's definitely going to help improve one's health situations and cure as well as prevent some certain sickness, infections and system breakdown. But in all these positive effects of the drugs, once it's being used or administered in the wrong manner, it is always of a devastating side effects to one's body system and upkeep.

    There are several ways to abuse drugs, some can be by taking overdose, taking without doctors prescription, self medication, or an outright psychological breakdown with excessive intake of several pills in suicidal attempt. If care is not taken, excessive intake of unwatched pills can literally kill someone with ease, should such person not being discovered on time. The longer it takes, the lesser the chances of reviving the person.

    There are some other forms of drugs which mostly young youths are rampant in abusing, and it's seriously making them perpetually useless and slave to such drugs. The most common ones are Indian hemp, codeine, viagra, cocaine, cough syrup etc. These youths mainly take such drugs with the bid for getting high and feeling on top of themselves. I witnessed some that have been driven mad as a result of excessive smoking of Indian hemp.

    The most annoying part of these youths behavior after such drugs intake is the displaying of violent acts, stealing, rape and disregard for people lives or any form of respect for elders. There were some that normally come to my neighborhood to buy and smoke Indian hemp, after a while we got report that there was a case of armed robbery about 5 blocks from my house and it was those guys that were involved. Unfortunately for 3 of them, they were all shot dead by the security force and just like that, they lost their lives.

    I definitely wouldn't advice anyone to engage in drug abuse, the negative effects of it far much outweigh whatever benefits the abuser might think he or she is getting from being a party to such indulgement. Drug abuse can literally kill, it's not to be encouraged in any way.
  5. Den

    Den New Member

    Dec 2, 2017
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    Even if you are not a drug abuser, drugs are still dangerous for anyone if not taken as prescribed. Drugs that are made for medication are also known to have a lot of bad side effects in the body and in most cases drugs can also cause sickness rather than heal you from it. This is mainly the reason why everyone needs to follow what is prescribed to them and never do self medication using drugs that is made synthetically. That is why the best way to fight against any types of diseases is still through your own body or strengthening your own immune system.
  6. Gerald

    Gerald New Member

    Dec 16, 2017
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    Drugs abuse and addition can affect almost every system in your body .You probably know that drugs affects feelings and moods,judgement,decision making,learning and memory.But they can also cause or worsen other healthy problems ie cancer, lung disease,liver funtion,mental disorders,and infentious diseases such as HIV/AIDS,hepatitis and tuberclulosis.Some of these effects occur when drugs are used at high doses or after prolonged use and some may occur after just one use .

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