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Anyone else have an Autisic child?

Discussion in 'Medical' started by Mama2boys, May 20, 2017.

  1. Mama2boys

    Mama2boys New Member

    Dec 31, 2016
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    Fayetteville ar
    Sometimes I feel so alone! My 22 month old has recently been diagnosed with ASD.(autism spectrum disorder) When I vent on Facebook about long nights or some of his behavior, I get told it's ok it's normal, I'm like the H-E- double hockey sticks it's normal! It's not normal for a child to sleep 2-3 hours then be up for the rest of the night. It's not normal for a child to have to have a certain schedule or they freak out. Most kids have some kind of fear or knowledge of danger, not my son, he has to be constantly watched. I'm afraid to go into public with him right now due to his fits and tantrums if something scares him or he gets agitated. People look at us weird when I'm not getting onto him but trying to comfort him. A lot of my friends say he will outgrow it. I'm like you don't outgrow autism!
    Has anyone else felt like they are alone understanding their child?

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