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Become Host in Airbnb

Discussion in 'Business' started by Mary fiona, Feb 2, 2018.

  1. Mary fiona

    Mary fiona New Member

    Feb 2, 2018
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    Airbnb is a website where by guests chooses to stay in a host home rather than a hotel. The website enables guests to find hosts in the places they intend to travel and book their stay online. Through the website people have been able to earn an income by hosting this guests in their homes.

    You become an host by registering in the website and listing a space you intend to share. It maybe a room in your house or a full house as you travel. Then when a guest intend to visit a place they will search for the listings in that area to compare the prices or locations preference. Once chosen the guest pays through the websites before arrival and your paid immediately through Paypal, direct deposit or international money wire once the guest checks in your home or space you listed.
    Liberty likes this.

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