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Do Guns Make Society Safer or More Violent?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Ibrahim neko, Jan 2, 2017.

  1. Malibeast

    Malibeast New Member

    Jul 13, 2017
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    Guns in the home create dangers of accidental shooting by children and crimes of passion. According to FBI statistics, it is extremely rare that any homeowner actually successfully defends himself or herself from any home invasion or other threat to life. More often, the homeowner's gun ends up killing a member of the home. In order to be effective against an intruder, the gun must be kept easily accessible. But that is exactly what leads to child deaths and crimes of passion, impulsive murders that would not be committed but for the quick and easy accessibility of a gun.

    But don't worry about it too much. It's sort of Darwin's law at work: the morons that keep loaded guns around tend to wipe out their own kind and improve the gene pool for the rest of us. It's the George Zimmerman situations that are really upsetting

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