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Do you ever feel like nobody understands you?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Hozyboy, Jan 30, 2016.

  1. Hozyboy

    Hozyboy New Member

    Jan 14, 2016
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    I am of the zodiac Aquarius. Basically we are called the aliens of the zodiac. Most people think we are unemotional people. What I know is that I am a very emotional person, but hide it in public.

    I like keeping to myself but am also social. I have girlfriends I love but I don't want to be tied down by one girl.

    My friends find me wiered. My family does too.nobody really understands how I think. Do you get those feelings too? Ones that you want to just lock yourself in a room for the rest of your life? Please tell me I am not alone
    Jaye Candice Ramintas likes this.
  2. ChristinaV83

    ChristinaV83 New Member

    May 18, 2016
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    Greetings, I am *lets see* [runs a quick google search]... Ah I am of the zodiac Sagittarius

    More info if you'd like :

    Ruling planets: Jupiter
    Symbol: The Archer
    Stone: Turquoise
    Life Pursuit: To live the good life

    Vibration: Overly expressive - frequent burnouts

    Sagittarian's Secret Desire: To make a difference in the world.

    Just wanted to stop by after reading your post and say hello and let you know that it is okay to be unique. It is okay to have a style all of your own and original to whom you are. No one else has your fingerprints, your exact iris rings, your smile, your thought processes.
    Might I offer a simple equation to help you through the more difficult and dividing times.

    Embracing yourself - Expectations of others = Elevation of Self Reliance

    Hope that helps. ^_^
    Tyi likes this.
  3. R.Schulz

    R.Schulz New Member

    May 25, 2016
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    You really aren't alone. There are numerous days I want to lock myself in a room and ignore the world. There are many different types of personalities and I've noticed the 'weird' ones are much more fun to be around than the 'normal' ones.

    I'm a Leo, I'm suppose to enjoy being the center of attention. According to my sign I'm suppose to be a leader. I have no interest in being the center of attention, in fact, I find I'm more comfortable leaning against a back wall observing everyone else.
    mythman and Tyi like this.
  4. NormaD

    NormaD New Member

    Jun 21, 2016
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    South Africa
    There have been times when I was younger when I felt like nobody understood me. It was only after I started meditating and doing other processes to help me find my purpose in life that I realized that no one has to understand me except me. I found that the more time I took to study and understand myself, the more I started to understand others. Now, whenever I feel that someone doesn't 'get' me, I know it's a signal to stop and clarify something in me, or in the way I am perceiving the person or situation.
    shirumuiyuts and mythman like this.
  5. mericamarie

    mericamarie New Member

    Nov 20, 2016
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    I often feel misunderstood. I grew up fast. Not in the sense of being "hot" with males but in the sense of responsibility. I have been cooking since I was 12 years old. Somehow I ended up with an old-fashioned fiance that believes women are always supposed to cook. I don't know how we have made it this long. He claims to "know me better than I know myself" but sometimes I think he has me confused with someone from his I believe that at one point or another everyone will feel this way. The best advice that I have is to take a breather, clear your mind and remember that the greatest people in history were once misunderstood as well.
    shirumuiyuts and mythman like this.
  6. mythman

    mythman New Member

    Nov 17, 2016
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    Rambling Acres, OKC, Okla., US
    I'm a Cancer/Crab. Don't know 'what type we are'; don't care enough to find out.

    Emotions aren't real to me. Oh, I really feel them and I'm sure you do too; but they're as real as 'liking a type of music or -a flavor of ice-cream.'

    It seems to me that people are mostly "social" with their coworkers/classmates, their fellow churchgoers, and their families.

    As far as "dating/marriage," I try to take the philosophy as set in the Garden of Eden (where God said man needs a helper, and woman was the best creation God brought him---as she was built of the same stuff that man was). Focus yourself on 'tending the Garden God set you down here to manage,' and your helper will be there when you need her.

    About "people finding you w(ei)rd," ... don't worry about them. The best advice I ever heard (although it was about 'picking-up girls from the bar' ;)) was "just go have fun, and--if people like the fun you're having--let them feel free to join you (or if the fun someone else is having looks fun, see if they'll let you join them)."
  7. Terry

    Terry New Member

    Dec 18, 2016
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    Bесаusе thеy dоn't undеrstаnd yоu. Trust yоur intuitiоn. If yоu fееl this wаy, it's prоbаbly truе. Mаybе thеy саn't undеrstаnd yоu. Mаybе thеy wоn't еvеn try. Why dоеsn't mаttеr. Lеt's sаy thаt аgаin. It dоеs nоt mаttеr why. Thеy just dоn't undеrstаnd yоu.

    А wisе pеrsоn оnсе pоintеd оut tо mе thаt I'd lеft а whоlе rооm bеhind, аnd thаt mаybе just mаybе it wоuld bеnеfit mе tо figurе оut wаys tо bеttеr undеrstаnd еvеryоnе еlsе аnd аt lеаst try tо соmmuniсаtе in wаys thеy fоund mоrе plеаsing.
  8. ProNine

    ProNine New Member

    Dec 23, 2016
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    The world is about perspective. Everyone in the world grows up in different environments exposed to different experiences and cultures. As such, the ways we tend to perceive the world around us and interpret things, and justify the things we do would naturally be different. Whenever we come over disagreements with others over the actions we do, it can be significantly tied back to how our senses of perception of the world are different. However, that does not necessarily have to be a bad thing. The best way to overcome this feeling of difference and lack of understanding, we must learn about each other and attempt to see where our disagreements come from, and should strive to see the greater amount of similarities we share with others over the lesser amount of our differences.
  9. Roselvn

    Roselvn New Member

    Jan 15, 2019
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    I am a Scorpio. We're known to be the most heartless, the most uncaring, one of the craziest signs of all, therefore being one of the most misunderstood. Yes, we're intense, but we're also intense when it comes to love. We love the hardest, we're the most loyal, yet no one believes that. As we grow up knowing that not everyone understands us, we tend to always put ourselves in others' shoes. We put ourselves in their situations and we do our best to help people.

    Just because of our distrusting nature, people don't get a chance to understand us. It may suck sometimes, and some days, I just wanna hide forever. Someone finally understood me though, and I started opening up. I hope you found someone that understands you, everyone deserves to be understood.
  10. mysticalnymph

    mysticalnymph New Member

    Feb 3, 2019
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    I am not an Aquarius, but I also feel this way several times. Well, I guess most of us do. So definitely you are not alone. I have ended up shutting almost everyone for a lot of times. The latest was just recently.

    I decided to quit my high paying job several months ago. It was a tough decision. I have been in a dilemma before I made the decision and even worse after I made the decision. Being a breadwinner, the reactions from my family and relatives haven't been all that positive. Questions keep on popping inquiring on where do I work now and why did I leave. Even some of my friends judge my decision. Many made assumptions on the reasons for my resignation. Some of which is that I already have enough money and I probably am going on vacation or travel.

    At that point, I just wanted to block everyone. I'm tired and don't feel the need to explain myself anymore. I'm also tired of people making assumptions when they don't even know the real story. I have tried explaining, but the truth is not everyone understands. It even came to a point where I question myself. I asked myself am I weird or selfish for making that radical decision. Is it wrong that this around I want to listen to myself?
    You know what, It may seem that no one understands us. But at the end of it all. what's important is that we understand ourselves more than anyone.
  11. phanuruch

    phanuruch New Member

    Feb 7, 2019
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    I did not know that about Scorpio. That said, I believe people make individual choices of whether to understand others or to put themselves first out there. Knowing that we cannot control what other people choose to do is the beginning of accepting things as they are. I have learned that at times, seeking to make people understand gives me more grief compared to just letting people be.
  12. Jaye Candice Ramintas

    Jaye Candice Ramintas New Member

    Feb 27, 2019
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    I am an Aquarius myself! And yes I prefer being alone in my room listening to music rather than with people! I even prefer watching movies alone because I want to enjoy the movie! That is me and if people find it weird then that’s fine with me because I’ve accepted who I am and what I want comes first. But that doesn’t mean I don’t have friends! I do ofcourse but I could only count them through my fingers and it’s because I rather have a few whom I could count on in time of crisis than with so many who can’t even remember my birthday.. Aquarius are born strong, not only because we are good at what we do but because we can handle being alone and be happy with it.
  13. Lei Angela Dela Cueva

    Lei Angela Dela Cueva New Member

    Apr 19, 2019
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    Everything seems to be a matter of perspective, everyone has this kind of ability, to deeply understand something. But not all the time you will be understood by anyone, it's because when something happens, sometimes we react to it equally or inverse to what really should be. Maybe because they can't trust something they don't understand, and when it happens people often disregard the feelings of other people.

    It’s important that you look on the brighter side of your true self, what you really desire and who you really are so that you aren’t giving yourself a mixed impression of your identity that others might find difficult to understand. Authenticity, perhaps, was the exact word to define, it clearly tells us who we are and what do we really stand for in life. Thus, if we now understand our true self, this could lead us to the acceptance of our true self.

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