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Guidelines for a beginner in your Fitness Journey

Discussion in 'Fitness' started by Den, Dec 2, 2017.

  1. Den

    Den New Member

    Dec 2, 2017
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    You need to remember that being fit is a choice and a lifetime commitment. Do it for yourself and not for anyone else.

    First, you need to know your weight. It will be your reference so you will know what is your target weight and what weight to maintain. Second, you have to know what type of exercises/workouts or sports best suited for you. Lastly, will be about your diet.


    The best way to start any types of exercise or other physical activity is to "warm up" or commonly known as "stretching". Stretching for a day to day basis can do wonders to your body, it will help your blood circulation, improves flexibility and more. In exercise, stretching is a must. Why? Because it will prepare your body and will reduce the risk of having any muscle soreness or at least reduce the effect of muscle soreness.

    These are the common exercise you might want to try as a beginner. Walking, jogging, running and of course dancing! Doing one of those activity everyday for at least 30minutes will help you burn calories. Just choose which one you like the most or you can also do them all as a routine. Those work out is a great start if you want to intensify your routine in the future.

    Exercises you can do at home are the best especially if the weather outside is not suitable for any types of workout. You can try these following, sit ups and crunches. These are two different exercise but you can do both even if you are at home. Next is planking, planks is famous for core conditioning, but it is also beneficial for other parts of the body and there are a lot of variations of planks to choose from depending on the intensity you like. And of course, squats! Squats is good for strengthening your knees as long as you do it right, it will also help you with your balance, mobility and just like other types of exercises squats also help burn calories.

    Sports, yeah! you read it right. Sports can be an ideal way to be fit. It can be your alternative for workout or you can do it as a combination with others or a cross-training. There are a lot of sports to choose from and it is fun to do as well. It is amazing to stay fit and do what makes you happy, isn't? For me, the best is swimming. Swimming helps burn calories without stressing too much of your muscles. Swimming also helps your cardiovascular fitness and a good whole body work out.

    Diet, okay... so here is one of the challenging part of being fit. The best tip I could give for beginners is never deprive yourself. Depriving will only cause overeating and is certainly not healthy. What you can do is know the right amount of calorie you need in your body and just stick with it every day or eat in portion. You can also drink juices that is rich with fibers or has L-carnitine these will help you to burn fat and will convert them into energy so you will feel more energized through out your day. Juices is also good for detoxification, detoxing process is also beneficial if you want to lose weight and cleansed your body at the same time.

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