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Health Is Wealth

Discussion in 'Health' started by David James, Jun 19, 2017.

  1. QueenofHearts

    QueenofHearts New Member

    Aug 14, 2017
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    AWESOME -AWESOME post and so true! Good health is our wealth. You've hit the nail on the head with this post Love. I appreciate how you also speak about the health of the mind; which is so important. If we don't have a healthy mental state, everything around us will crumble. Peace in our minds, love in our hearts and joy in our spirit equals a very health life.

    Thank you for the great read Love. Keep shining! :)
  2. reuben onyango

    reuben onyango New Member

    Oct 30, 2017
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    Health is Wealth is an old saying which informs you; it does not matter how wealthy you are, if you have a nagging pain somewhere in your body, you will never enjoy life. Poor lifestyle choices have led to increasing of many preventable lifestyle diseases which include:

    Obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases, and kidney problems.

    What is the point of affording to dine at a 5-star hotel if you can’t enjoy the delicious food prepared there because of poor health?

    Money is useless if you can’t enjoy what it can buy, therefore, it is extremely important to stay healthy. Eat well and exercise more and you will enjoy your wealth for a very long time.
  3. Vash

    Vash New Member

    Jun 30, 2018
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    Mahatma Gandhi once said, "It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver". Too often people are so consumed in chasing money and success that their health is disregarded. It is difficult to enjoy and achieve different goals when a person is ill. Illness limits a person physically, emotionally and socially. Thus as we achieve our goals in life, we must also take good care of ourselves. Never compromise our bodies and our minds.

    Eating the right foods and definitely
    the right amount of food is the best way to stay healthy. We also need to exercise regularly since our bodies really yearn to move as much as possible. Health is definitely the greatest wealth anyone could possibly have.
  4. mariaberry

    mariaberry New Member

    Jul 14, 2018
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    I even used it as my slogan for nutrition month when I was on my primary school because truly that health is wealth.

    I came from a family that is on middle life. We do experienced monetary crisis except others who really came from the velvet clubs or the rich ones. We eat 3 times a day which a normal family does. My parents were only normal workers and they just earn enough money for us. With their earnings monthly, they really do a smart and wise buying of goods to fulfill our needs. They make sure that we eat nutritious foods and they once said that it is alright to spend money when it comes on health than to spend money on buying medicines. That it will be less costly than to pay hospital bills. And they also feed us with a thinking that it is okay even if we are experiencing crisis than being sick. All you have to do is to take care of yourself to become healthy and to avoid illness. Just do not thrift yourself on the things that will make you healthy.

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