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How do you know it's time to quit your job?

Discussion in 'Business' started by Maria Crisanta, Oct 3, 2017.

  1. Maria Crisanta

    Maria Crisanta New Member

    Oct 3, 2017
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    There was a time when I used to think that people who quit their jobs are lazy and good for nothing, but the more I get into the adult world, I realized that it's one of the most courageous things anyone can do in his life. Face it. We're living in a world where your is not only considered an asset but also a fashion item.

    People are afraid of losing their jobs because it's their only source of money, but the bigger reason why they don't want to lose their job is because of the status that comes with it. People think more highly of people who are employed, and people tend to think of people less if they are unemployed.

    However, just because you are unemployed doesn't mean that you are totally hopeless in life. It doesn't mean your broke or anything. It's not like that at all. Nowadays, there are jobs that can be done straight from your home. So, let's ditch working hard and try to replace it with working smart. You see, when you work for a company, all your achievements go to the company. Just imagine what could happen if all the hard work you do goes all in your favor. What if you were working so hard for a company you actually own? You'd be successful in no time.

    So, if you've ever had the feeling like you want to resign or quit your job, then don't worry, you're not insane or stupid for thinking that. On the contrary, you could be an absolute genius. Now, tell me. Have you ever had those thoughts before? Please share your experiences in the comment section.
  2. Muobo Isivwe

    Muobo Isivwe New Member

    Nov 5, 2017
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    I think it's not a bad thing to resign from a job you no longer enjoy, but a lot of things have to be considered and put in place.

    First off, is this your only source of income? It would make very little sense to leave a job that gives you 100% of your income. You might hate turning up every morning, but you would hate yourself more if you became broke.

    Next, before resigning, you should try to build other sources of income so and develop them to the point where they can sustain you.

    You also should have money saved up: enough to last you for several months after your job exit.

    This is what I did before leaving a job I detested and I was better off for it.
  3. lbwran

    lbwran New Member

    Nov 4, 2017
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    I totally see what you mean by mentioning that jobs are so much like fashion accessories. Some people flaunt their careers with every molecule they borrow. Others, bitterly toil away for years at the same dive they've been dreaming about getting away from since before the first day.

    A lot of this has to do with access to proper education. You're literally taught from childhood that if you don't like being there - and even if people treat you terribly while you're stuck there, you just gotta suck it up and stay the whole day. The whole year. And so on... This creates people who are either excited (either mischievously or proudly so) to attend their school and then jobs, or it makes people loathe calendars and watches and worst of all: time cards.

    It's perfectly natural to have thoughts of not working for some company. To feel the urge to pack it in and start your own business. Then you remember new business owners for the first at least two years work seven days a week, sometimes 20 hours a day and the profit equals the same as a regular 9-5 gig. I'm all for the entrepreneurial spirit to be set free and wild - but it's gotta be reined in so the bills can keep getting paid.
    Working from home is a viable solution to escape the mainstream work options - but it's still pretty difficult to nab a permanent, insurance providing golden pajamas gig. My recommendation would be if you can't stand your job, between shifts hand out your resume and go for interviews and get yourself a new gig to slowly drive you towards dusting off the ol' resume again.
  4. Ohanga

    Ohanga Member

    Nov 5, 2017
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    According to me a person can quit his or her job depending on so many things such bad working conditions,little payment yet more pressure,one not enjoying the particular work or on the other hand the person may have decided to start his or her own business so as to become his or her own boss.
  5. Rexy

    Rexy New Member

    Nov 9, 2017
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    When to quit your job is definitely a question a lot of people would love to have the answer to. However, the answer isn't rocket science. If you don't like a job, you need to quit. Even if you're just working there for the enormous paycheck, and you rather be a YouTuber for example, then you should definitely go for your dreams. I'm not saying you will be successful just because you want to. You definitely can, but it's not guaranteed. The fact that you're trying to become a famous YouTuber and the fact that you enjoy creating content and videos is what makes you like the job.

    Sure, it would be awesome to buy a Ferrari at 35, but think about it this way: You start working at 22-26 (assuming you go to college), and you continue to work until you retire at 65, now that's 39-43 years of working. Assuming you live to 80, which is the life expectancy in most first world countries, you have spent a little more than half of your life working with something you don't like. Surely this wouldn't convince you at first, it didn't convince me at first. But after looking at this video, it opened my eyes. Here is the best possible visualization of why time is so precious:

  6. BenjaminKS

    BenjaminKS New Member

    Nov 11, 2017
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    How do you know it's time to quit your job.
    Quitting a job is personal and there are important factors to consider before taking this step.
    1) When your personal business pays you twice as much as your employed job.
    There is no point working as an employed staff when your own business gives you twice as much as you receive as salary. Having a personal business is being wise, whether employed or not because It's a life security. This is a life training that we must adapt and stop living from salary to salary. We must think better and ahead because everyone has been given the ability to think and to do something. There is nothing like "I can't in my mind" I always find out how to do things. God has blessed each one of us uniquely and the ability to have personal income lines is in us. If you don't have your own business no matter how small? start to think about it and have something growing on the side.
    2) When your personal business requires more of your time.
    Many time we find ourselves in this situation and when it does quit your job and take full responsibility of your business. This is a clear indication that it's time to stand on your two feet, because if your business collapses you are the one to blame yourself. This is an open invitation to grow yourself independently.
    3) When a higher paying job is offered.
    We all work for money and when a higher opportunity presents itself don't negotiate. I know of people who stick in a company because of the good relationship they have with their bosses and as a result turndown beautiful and higher offers. This is being crazy, Offcause I care the fact that you have built a nice relationship with others workers and even your boss but this is your life and not your bosses. You can still maintain the respect to your former boss while working for this new company. It's a matter of the size of the pocket because the challenges in life don't smile.
    4) When your employment age limit approaches.
    This is very obvious. Many countries in the world have employment age limit, and it's wise to save before this happens, actually by this time one must have had laid down retirement plans and if not it's so unfortunate.
  7. MattTolentino02

    MattTolentino02 New Member

    Nov 15, 2017
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    It is time to quit your job when you start dragging your feet on the way to the workplace.

    Before quitting, decide on how you will want to earn from now on. It can be by freelancing, by working at another company, by starting your own business, etc.

    After you have decided, make some comprehensive plans. Be ready for Plan B in case Plan A didn't work.

    If you are confident enough with your idea, start typing your resignation letter.

    Life is short. Don't stay at a place that you hate. Use your imagination. There are more than a million ways to make money.

    Joining The Forum Wheel is a very good start.
  8. mp0310

    mp0310 New Member

    Nov 22, 2017
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    Be sure that you understand yourself very carefully before you make that decision to leave your job. Decide what you want to do. If you want to retire and sit in the garden with your family and do nothing.That's your choice. To work and to be happy is the best medication. I advise you to find something else before you decide to quit your job.
    Join up with the team here. You will find decent people who you can take advise from.

    Good luck!

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