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How to Dry Out Your Pimples Fast with Baking Soda

Discussion in 'Health' started by Beautiful Maria, Feb 18, 2018.

  1. Beautiful Maria

    Beautiful Maria New Member

    Feb 18, 2018
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    Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate, a natural substance that is crystalline. This substance posses antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also a powerful medical tool effective at combating many health problems

    Baking soda is an excellent remedy for pimples, blackheads, and acne. It is a mild exfoliant that helps remove dead skin and cleans your pores. It does this while helping dry out and heal existing acne. Baking soda also has antibacterial properties which prevent breakouts.

    baking soda can dry out your pimples due to its alkaline properties, lead to you can get relief from itching and swelling on skin. Baking soda eliminates fungal infection, soften the skin and also any rough patches on skin. Baking soda is very useful for detoxing the skin to get complete relaxation and eliminate all toxins that can lead to any skin infection. It remove dead skin cells. In addition, it balances ph level of the skin.
    Make a paste of baking soda and rose water. Apply it on the affected area. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash off with cool water.
    Enjoy a flawless skin!

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