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How To Enhance The Growth Of Entrepreneurship

Discussion in 'Business' started by west26, Nov 16, 2017.

  1. west26

    west26 New Member

    Nov 12, 2017
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    Entrepreneurship is conducive to economic growth and the creation of employment.Government programmes and policies have a significant impact on the level of entrepreneurship within a country.While many governments profess support for entrepreneurial businesses,they often lack specific policies and coordinated programmes designed to support entrepreneurial activities.

    Government should liberalize imports,by ending public monopolies and opening public services to private sector.

    There should be provision of goods and services to enhance the conditions for entrepreneurship.

    Fostering entrepreneurship involves ensuring that markets for capital,labour,goods and services are working well.

    It also requires that impediments to entrepreneurship be removed and that conditions be established in which innovation and risk taking can flourish.

    Government policy makers also should seek to foster entrepreneurship through programmes which,for example,augment the supply of information,encourage networking,facilitate the provision of finance and seek to create positive attitudes towards entrepreneurial activity.

    Focused policies that facilitate access to finance,professional services and training for start up companies,that simplify business registration,reporting and taxation etc are essential to entrepreneurial venture creation.

    Seminars and the study of entrepreneurial development abroad can be included in programme addressing entrepreneurship policy.

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