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If there is No Internet.

Discussion in 'Internet' started by David James, Jun 17, 2017.

  1. David James

    David James New Member

    Jun 16, 2017
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    Today internet is the basic need of almost everyone. Its addiction is being varied from children, younger ones and the older ones also. When there is no internet your mood becomes bad and you just get tensed of your internet connection. In this case you should seek your friends and family member attention. Get closer to them and share your current position and positive thoughts. If you are a business man then you should think about your business and if you are a student then you should focus on your study. If you can't do anything related to this then you should try to have some sound sleep without getting tensed of not having an internet connection.
    In this way you can survive without internet access by managing your mind in other activities. If you try, it is so complicated.
  2. Lucifer1321

    Lucifer1321 New Member

    Jun 19, 2017
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    How would having no Internet affect the general personal user? Well apart from every teenager screaming because they can’t log on to Facebook, it all comes down to how much we personally use the Internet and what for.
    Some of us hardly use the Internet, where others pretty much live their life around it! Equally some actually live a completely New Life within the Internet like those who use Second Life.
  3. David James

    David James New Member

    Jun 16, 2017
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    Agreed! Now a days Internet is a basic need, and sometime there is the situation when there is no internet access and there is nothing to do. This was the thing on which my post is about. Lucifer1321
  4. avinash365

    avinash365 New Member

    Jun 15, 2017
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    Logically speaking, we must be perfectly satisfied without it as we are not born with a guarantee of such a thing as the Internet.But since it has grown up so dramatically and everything has been built on and around it, it is almost impossible to conduct everyday activities and transactions without it.Even here, in my country India, as I believe everywhere else by now, municipal and banking activities require two pre-requisites : one is a mobile phone number or subscription as you may call it and another one is an e-mail id or in other words, access to the net.For example, if you want to register a site, or you purchased a new apartment or a vehicle or any other commodity, the very process of registration requires approvals from higher authorities which are only computerised and paperless and hence, mandatory connectivity.

    So, even if I take out all my social media activities, even Youtube or booking movies, in other words, my entertainment stuff, still for all practical purposes, like you wanted to rent a cab urgently, you wanted to pay your utility bills, you wanted to search for a service for repair or maintenance, wanted to just travel and hence needed assistance in directions and reviews, the list is endless, the Internet is today an indispensable thing than it was maybe just even a decade ago.

    But, personally, I would not like to depend upon it as though I would die without it.I imagine myself often in some remote place without even telephony, not even Internet, what would I do?Of course, having been accustomed and taking things for granted, there would be a bit of frustration which I would definitely need to work upon but then if I had no prior commitments what would be the big deal?It would definitely make me more appreciative of things, as I have often found out, when I have deliberately switched off my PC and limited my phone access, it would make me think for a while, then, after me becoming too tired of thinking, maybe make me come back down to earth a little bit, and get on and develop interest in and familiar with the essentials of life, that is, if I do really take the pains upon myself to see what I had been ignoring and missing - that the fact that Life is far, far greater than that which can fit in my mind and this is a journey, a pilgrim journey, if you may say, which I have to make with diligence and persistence - mind you, I, like every other person, have gone through many experiences, sooner or later, you may find out, having expectations is one thing that ties one down, and that if I happen to conduct myself well and just do the best that I can, there is still energy left in me to be playful whether I get the prize or not, reward or no reward, the whole exercise itself a rewarding experience.

    So, basically, after blah blahing myself, what I'm saying is, I need balance that is I can use the Internet for my basic needs ( social media and Youtube included ) and yet not depend on it and still aspire for other things worth our time.Thank You.
  5. Angel Burgess

    Angel Burgess New Member

    Jun 20, 2017
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    I must agree with the mood changing when the internet is down. Mine was out for about a week last month and I was thinking, how is my family going to make it through this. It is funny now that I am looking back at how I felt. I am a mother of four and my house hold is quieter and at ease when there is an option to get online. I saw that my children actually got along better when they were using their imaginations and it was not that bad at all. No it is not the end of the world. But it is a nice luxury to have if you can. I remind my children all the time, that when I was their age having the internet and all these devices was unheard of.
    bomb2060 likes this.
  6. kasunjoes

    kasunjoes New Member

    Jun 21, 2017
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    If there's no internet I would die without making money online since I don't have money to live ;)
  7. bomb2060

    bomb2060 New Member

    Jun 24, 2017
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    Lack of Internet will be the downfall of me. All my hustles are online. And should I miss Internet for a day or two. I guess I will be rosted!

    Anyway, it's good to use the intent sparingly. Since over use of the same makes you a zombie. Or a geek who is disconnected from reality.

    Internet has become a versatile component In today's life. Just like electricity. Thus a stable economy should make sure it stabilized and keeps improving theit network connectivity. Information is power and the lack of it, or not having enough info can be the downfall of a nation.
  8. shaunssyw

    shaunssyw New Member

    Jun 26, 2017
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    If there is no internet?
    It will be a boring life! We would not be able to shop online, which I do alot. :D

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