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Is there anyone on the earth that is playing Pokemon GO?

Discussion in 'Games' started by Stan Velthausz, Jan 25, 2017.

  1. Stan Velthausz

    Stan Velthausz New Member

    Jan 25, 2017
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    The game is dying alright?
  2. AndyT8

    AndyT8 New Member

    Jan 27, 2017
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    New York, New York
    No, not at all. Well, maybe for the younger demographic. I regained my health by walking hundreds of miles to hatch eggs. I also met my new best friends in the process. This game demands loyalty!
  3. Corena

    Corena Member

    Jan 23, 2017
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    I do believe Pokemon Go is dying out. When it first came out, it was the game everyone was talking about non stop. I have never been into Pokemon, but I even downloaded it to see what all the commotion was about. As of late though, I haven't heard anyone talking about this game in a long while now.

    When Pokemon Go first came out, I was playing it with my sons. We really had a great time doing it and it gave us something fun to do together. Unfortunately, school started back up and we don't have the time to play it like we use to anymore.It is a great game though, and it takes you places you wouldn't normally go. It gets people to go out and explore the world and places they either have not been in a long time or places they have never been.

    It is also a great family game. I enjoyed Pokemon Go with my sons. They absolutely love the game and it gave me something fun and different to do with them. I think it is a great way for parents to play and spend time with their kids. In addition, I know that as an adult, I really enjoyed the game also.
  4. tryner

    tryner New Member

    Jan 31, 2017
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    I was anxiously waiting for it to come out for months, and was ecstatic when it finally did. I still play it every day! They've added so many new things, like daily bonuses, and generation two is due to be released soon! Perhaps in the summer more people will pick it up again, it's kind of hard to use my phone in a blizzard. I've been keeping it in a Ziploc bag when I'm playing in the snow or rain because my screen is cracked and moisture messes it up pretty badly.
  5. Sikka

    Sikka New Member

    Feb 18, 2017
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    I only played for a few months and got bored. I live in the country and rarely get anywhere that has Pokemon and gyms. The app also took up way more space on my phone than it was worth. It was nice to play for a while and catch Pokemon for nostalgia sake but that's about it.
  6. Destinye Robinson

    Destinye Robinson New Member

    Feb 22, 2017
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    As mentioned, it was certainly hyped up before and at its release. Well enough that players consistently overloaded the servers for a while. It was good for a lot of people, including those who'd never heard of Pokémon. What's better than a game that everyone is playing on the go, and it got a lot of people involved in physical activity they would otherwise not be doing.

    There were a few downfalls with it, of course. We had several wrecks in our city while people were playing and driving, and there wasn't much Niantic could do to prevent it. While the purpose of the game was to get up and go, as the title suggests, players were often more focused on "catching them all", ignoring the whole purpose of the game.

    It did some good, though. A player in my city organized several events that encouraged players to join (setting up lures consistently in a large area for several hours) that also drew business to the area. For example, one of these events was in our downtown area, so a lot of bars got business on an otherwise slow night from the of-age generation, and the surrounding restaurants also did well.

    I won't say the good outweighed the bad, or vice versa. The new update, releasing second generation Pokémon into the game, certainly brought back some players. But it's obvious a lot of people have ceased playing. I no longer see local events, despite how well the first few turned out, and it's very uncommon for me to see players on the streets downtown. Whether for it's bugs, large amount of space required, drainage on battery/data, etc, Pokémon Go has lost a majority of its players since the release.

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