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Is Volleyball fun?

Discussion in 'Sports' started by Freedom Writer, May 24, 2015.

  1. Freedom Writer

    Freedom Writer New Member

    May 21, 2015
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    A lot of people here in the Philippines watch volleyball, boy or girl wants it. It becomes a great deal and I think tops second on the most played sports in the country. I have seen many pages and groups in Facebook which support different volleyball leagues and squads.

    For me, volleyball is fun. It is the sports, besides badminton and basketball, that gives huge noises, screams and joy to every Filipino fan. As such, we are all happy that we had reached seventh place in the Asian's U23 Volleyball Championship last May 9. After 10 yrs, we'll also be competing on the SEA Games on June 10. It is, really really fun.

    Are you a volleyball fan? Spike and dig it deep now!
  2. Alexandoy

    Alexandoy New Member

    May 13, 2015
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    I sometimes watch volleybal but only the girl's league in the NCAA. The competition is serious and I find the playing girls a refreshing sight especially with their beautiful faces like Gretchen Ho of Ateneo. But the other leagues like the commercial one is not appealing to me since the players were just borrowed from other teams unlike in NCAA where the players have their loyalty to their team.
    Freedom Writer likes this.
  3. Freedom Writer

    Freedom Writer New Member

    May 21, 2015
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    Nice to hear those words
    It's nice to hear those words from you sir Andoy. Just to clarify things, Gretchen Ho of Ateneo is in UAAP. NCAA, in the Philippines, is just another collegiate sports event. UAAP includes UST, ADMU, DLSU, AdU, UP, UE, FEU, and NU. While NCAA includes the colleges like SBC, SSC, etc... Well, I admire all volleyball players both NCAA and UAAP. They have done great jobs and efforts to play inside the court. Alyssa Valdez from ateneo has beauty and athletic skills, as well as Rachel Anne Daquis of FEU.
  4. shahzeb ayub

    shahzeb ayub New Member

    May 24, 2015
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    Yes, of course Volleyball is a very entertaining sports but it is a big myth why it hasn't been successful or prominent at world stage. It is quite common at college/university level but at world stage it is very very recessive. May be because of not much coverage or less money involved in it unlike sports like Cricket, Football etc. But yeah, it is a very entertaining and healthy game.
  5. hamdi44

    hamdi44 New Member

    Jul 31, 2015
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    Volleyball is a lot of fun for a lot of people, but I do know some people who just don't enjoy it as much as I do. I have a deep passion for the sport and I play every chance I get whether in leagues and tournaments at my college or over the summer at home. It all depends on what you think of it.
  6. JimGoodman

    JimGoodman New Member

    May 9, 2016
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    Hi Freedom Writer ! Plаying vоllеybаll tеасhеs yоu а numbеr оf lеssоns thаt аrе аppliсаblе tо lifе bоth оn аnd оff thе соurt. Vоllеybаll is аn аmаzing gаmе with lоts оf littlе subtlеtiеs tо it thаt mаkе it rеаlly еnjоyаblе tо wаtсh, еspесiаlly оnсе yоu knоw whаt's gоing оn. I'vе plаyеd vоllеybаll аlmоst my whоlе lifе, аnd still plаy еvеry wееk! Аlоng thе wаy, I'vе lеаrnеd а lоt frоm thе gаmе аnd my tеаmmаtеs.

    Соmmuniсаting in а Hеlpful Wаy. Аs in аny tеаm spоrt, соmmuniсаtiоn is kеy. Bесаusе plаyеrs оn а vоllеybаll соurt аrе rеlаtivеly сlоsе tоgеthеr (аnd оnly with pеоplе frоm thеir tеаm), thеy'rе аblе tо соmmuniсаtе with еасh оthеr quiсkly аnd еffiсiеntly. This inсludеs things likе hеlping frоnt rоw hittеrs swing tоwаrds аn еmpty spоt оr аlеrting а blосkеr thаt thеrе's а tip соming оvеr instеаd оf а hаrd hit оr hеlping thе sittеr knоw whеn yоu'rе rеаdy tо hit (whiсh саn аlsо distrасt thе оppоsing tеаm).

    Аdditiоnаlly, bесаusе yоu оnly gеt 3 аttеmpts tо gеt thе bаll оvеr, it's ехtrеmеly impоrtаnt tо соmmuniсаtе whо is gеtting thе bаll. Sоmе оf thе wоrst pоint lоssеs аrе thоsе whеrе а bаll drоps аnd nо оnе gоеs fоr it bесаusе еvеryоnе аssumеs "sоmеоnе еlsе is gоing tо gеt it". With gооd соmmuniсаtiоn, yоu knоw whеrе еvеryоnе оn thе соurt is аnd whаt thеy аrе dоing.
    Last edited: May 9, 2016
  7. bella556

    bella556 Member

    Sep 4, 2016
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    I like volleyball. I have not watched it in sometime. I used to play for gym class in school .This was one sport I could play and I loved it. Now days I have to make time to watch it on tv. Its still the best sport to play of all the sports in the world.
  8. Masterio

    Masterio New Member

    Sep 27, 2016
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    Many people watch Volleyball for girls. It is a good sport and a very fun thing to do.
  9. biscione95

    biscione95 New Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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    Volleyball is a funny sport, despite people opinions. In my country (Italy) is at the third place for audience and we also have some historical teams such Trentino, that won Champions League for several years or Modena, the actual defending champion!!!

    I think also that practicing sports in general is very funny and healthy and everyone should practice one.
  10. Hitman Quote

    Hitman Quote New Member

    Nov 11, 2016
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    To be honest on this topic, I personally don't like watching volley ball but I love it when am the one playing.I know this might be a little weird but maybe there is someone out there that always feels the way I do.
  11. nerminbutucan

    nerminbutucan New Member

    Apr 23, 2018
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    There are a lot of sports out there today. Most require a decent amount of physical effort in order to participate in. Some sports use lots of equipment to play, and others require none. There are even sports that many people cannot play because they can't afford it. But, out of all sports that I could choose as my favorite, I would have to say Volleyball is the best. Volleyball is a great sport and let me tell you why.

    Volleyball has a lot of benefits.
    The most obvious advantage is that it’s a great form of cardiovascular exercise. These types of exercises strengthen the heart and lungs and help oxygen flow more freely through your body. When your body and your heart are working better, it helps prevent diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes. Exercise also helps you get in shape and tone your body leading to better overall health and more energy as well as better mental health and increased happiness and well-being.

    A second advantage to playing volleyball is an increase in hand-eye coordination. With the quick movements of the ball and having to constantly be aware of where it is, you have to not only see it, but also be able to make a decision on how to handle the ball, should it come in your direction. What kind of pass will you make? How hard can you hit it without it going out? Which of the opposing team will you target with your spike or serve? Similarly, it builds sprint speed and agility because of its quick changes of pace and direction as well as improves flexibility of hands and feet.

    Volleyball helps you learn how to work with friends and teammates with a common goal. This makes you feel a sense of belonging and value. You learn how to work as part of the team and learn how to work well with others in attaining that goal. This comes by knowing what your teammates are doing at all times, where they are on the floor, what their jobs are, what your job is… working together to make points for your team and to prevent the other team from getting points. It teaches how to accept defeat and how to win graciously.

    And lastly, one of the other great qualities that volleyball has is how inexpensive it is to play. When you go to the beach many people are already playing volleyball with their own nets, and you can easily join in. If you do decide to buy a net for home or the beach the equipment is really affordable. All you need is a net, a ball, and some people to play with. The field you play on is going to be free, whether it's the beach or your backyard.
  12. Kimie Kate Majait

    Kimie Kate Majait New Member

    Apr 23, 2018
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    As an avid fan of some volleyball players, I can say that volleyball is such a nice game so probably it is very fun to play since I can see to my favorite players that they are really enjoying playing volleyball. Also, I have tried to play this game in my school before during our intramural event and my experience is memorable because I got the chance to play it personally and all I can say is that I enjoy it a lot too. The definition of how volleyball became a fun game is depend on the person with passion and understanding on this game. If you find it enjoyable to watch or to play, then probably it is a fun game. But I believe all kinds of games are fun to play, it only differ what suited to your passion and interest.
  13. jocelynatyourservice

    jocelynatyourservice New Member

    May 14, 2018
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    Yeah, I agree with you, Kimie. Volleyball has a lot of benefits.
    The most obvious advantage is that it’s a great form of cardiovascular exercise. These types of exercises strengthen the heart and lungs and help oxygen flow more freely through your body. When your body and your heart are working better, it helps prevent diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes. Exercise also helps you get in shape and tone your body leading to better overall health and more energy as well as better mental health and increased happiness and well-being.

    A second advantage to playing volleyball is an increase in hand-eye coordination. With the quick movements of the ball and having to constantly be aware of where it is, you have to not only see it, but also be able to make a decision on how to handle the ball, should it come in your direction. What kind of pass will you make? How hard can you hit it without it going out? Which of the opposing team will you target with your spike or serve? Similarly, it builds sprint speed and agility because of its quick changes of pace and direction as well as improves flexibility of hands and feet.

    Volleyball helps you learn how to work with friends and teammates with a common goal. This makes you feel a sense of belonging and value. You learn how to work as part of the team and learn how to work well with others in attaining that goal. This comes by knowing what your teammates aredoing at all times, where they are on the floor, what their jobs are, what your job is… working together to make points for your team and to prevent the other team from getting points. It teaches how to accept defeat and how to win graciously.

    And lastly, one of the other great qualities that volleyball has is how inexpensive it is to play. When you go to the beach many people are already playing volleyball with their own nets, and you can easily join in. If you do decide to buy a net for home or the beach the equipment is really affordable. All you need is a net, a ball, and some people to play with. The field you play on is going to be free, whetherit's the beach or your backyard.

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