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Learn About Your Online Work Sites

Discussion in 'Internet' started by Rosyrain, Jan 19, 2017.

  1. Rosyrain

    Rosyrain New Member

    Jan 19, 2017
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    I see a lot of discussion from people wondering how to tell if an online work site is legitimate or a scam. I have been doing online work part time for the last 3 years now and recommend that you post discussions about sites you are unsure of and read the feedback on the forums. The online working community is close nit because we all have the same goals and you will learn quickly which sites to avoid. It also pays to read reviews from bloggers online.

    I recommend that everyone stay away from PTC sites in which you get paid to click on ads. I did this very early on and they are a waste of time. The ads are also clogged with viruses and other harmful computer programming. Stay away from the view sharing sites as well. These are the ones that you post articles for websites and then they pay you a penny or so per view. I was ripped off by the whole Bubblews and Elite Writers scandal. You are better off working for reputable article sites and survey sites.

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