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Let's Write a Story Together

Discussion in 'Art' started by msyukionna, Jun 5, 2017.

  1. msyukionna

    msyukionna New Member

    Jun 3, 2017
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    New Zealand
    I used to love doing this on forums. Hehe!! Rules are simple: Just read the story and each person just adds a short paragraph to the story.

    I'll start:

    She opens her eyes and blinks. The air is musty and thick, it's hard to breathe. She can hear water dripping in the distance. A leaky tap? No. It's something else. She tries to get up, but it's too hard. She lets the rhythm of the drips calm her spinning head.

    Continue... Let's see where this brings us. ;)
  2. VLXF

    VLXF New Member

    Jun 16, 2017
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    Slowly her mind drifts off through the soothing sound of the drips. Some minutes pass, but for her it felt like she was lost in a trance for an hour.
    She wonders "How did I end up here, and where am I anyway?" She gathers her strength and forces herself to stand up, the thickness of the atmosphere is pressing on her body, on her mind even. She looks around, her immediate surroundings are in complete darkness. In the distance she spots a dim source of light, it's also the direction of the dripping sound, she begins moving towards it.
  3. Kyle

    Kyle New Member

    Jun 17, 2017
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    But for every step she takes, she is dragged further and further away. "What is happening to me? This simply defies human logic" she thought. She continued walking forward, but her body is being dragged into the dark void. She ran as fast as she could, and the further he ran from it, the further she was dragged away from the light, and she slipped and knocked her chin right onto the cold ground. It was wet. She felt a wave of water gently caressing her feet. She crawled forward and felt the cold, rushing water rise onto her chest. She's about to drown. She stood up turned back to the dark void and slowly walked towards it, and was sent backwards as she did so. "Why am I moving further away from danger the closer I get to it?"
  4. Aman Khare

    Aman Khare New Member

    Jul 3, 2017
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    And so raced her mind, trying desperately to reach into the abyss, the sound of the drops hitting the surface became louder. The darkness started to look darker as she was pulled towards the light behind her. And in the moment, like the drops, her chest felt a weird thump and it burst out outwards in reaction. With every next breath feeling like a fading ripple, she looked into the light. Blurs sharpened, and images started to appear. And the sound of the dripping became clearer and more consistent, and more real.


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