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Quit Smoking with an E-Cig?

Discussion in 'Health' started by Orion Rhodes, Feb 4, 2017.

  1. Orion Rhodes

    Orion Rhodes New Member

    Feb 4, 2017
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    Being a cigarette smoker for over 15 years, I know how hard it can be to quit. E-cigarettes, the nicotine vapor inhaler, is not advertised as a smoking cessation product. I started smoking e-cigs to try to quit cigarettes and within six months, I had completely quit cigarettes and had reduced the amount of nicotine in my e-juice to nearly nothing. Has anyone else used an e-cigarette to quit smoking traditional cigarettes? Were you successful?
    Medusaz'Army likes this.
  2. Medusaz'Army

    Medusaz'Army New Member

    Feb 5, 2017
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    Many times ! I have been a smoker for 30 years now. I first tried to 'quit' smoking starting out with the E-cigarettes but they tasted awful, almost metallic. So I switched to the Vape which I liked much better because of all the yummy different flavors you can use. I believe the long term affects of these products is yet to be seen because they are still researching it.

    Recently, I saw a video on You tube of a vape battery exploding in a woman's purse. It looked like a bomb went off with thick black smoke everywhere.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2017
  3. Robert Turner

    Robert Turner New Member

    May 5, 2017
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    You are simply exchanging one vice for another. Nicotine is a poison and is commercially sold as such. You body can never develop an addictio to it

    What you are in fact addicted to are endorphins your body releases milliseconds after you inhale the smoke from your cigarette . It's a self preservation mechanism that simply put rewards you for not being dead after inhaling fumes.

    Food stimulates the same response which is why ex-smokers tend to gain weight. I would recommend seeking alternate help to quit or simply just put the cigarettes away for good. You dont want them, but your brain is chasing the rush from the endorphins.

    Think of the times you cannot smoke. For instance on a plane. You don't die or get anxiuos because your brain knows it has to wait. It has no choice. Make yours today and quit for good. Oh. As an aside note, there are no withdraw symptoms, that's simply your brain trying to justify another cigarette.

    Best of luck from an ex-smoker.
  4. Treon

    Treon New Member

    May 6, 2017
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    First let me congratulatee you for being able to do it. I know it's extremely hard.

    I've managed to quit it too. I've smoked for around 7 years so I guess not as long as some but I smoked through 1-2 packs per day. I initially began smoking because it was ''a thing'' as dumb as that sounds.. but we all know how peer pressure is. My family and my partner always hated the smell and kept telling me stop and one day I decided it's time for a change. It was around when the vaping became more popular.

    My partner bought me a vape and I'll admit that I doubt it at first but it made such a big difference. I've managed to completely quit smoking regular cigarettes. I only vape now. And yes, I know vaping isn't healthy either but it's better than cigarettes.

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