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[Spoilrtd] Movies like Interstellar

Discussion in 'Movies & TV' started by Hmid_Lashkham, Nov 13, 2017.

  1. Hmid_Lashkham

    Hmid_Lashkham New Member

    Nov 12, 2017
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    I'm a sucker for metaphors and symbolism, and the latest movie I watched satisfied this need perfectly. It might not be a masterpiece or without plot_holes, but the premise and overall plot secured it a spot in my list of all time favorites. I was skeptical at first because of what seemed like a cheap cop out and reliance on the unexplainable. A mysterious power sending the protagonist clues, making them fall into the cliche "chosen one" trope almost had me quitting the movie. However, the movie managed to both flip this cliche and betray my expectations in an extremely satisfying way, while also serving as a strong metaphor; humanity makes its own future and awaiting help from the unknown is futile.

    Do you know any other movies like this? I'd love to watch anything that strikes the same tone.
  2. MattTolentino02

    MattTolentino02 New Member

    Nov 15, 2017
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    I suggest watching 2001: A Space Odyssey.

    This is the grandest movie I have ever seen. The score, the production design and the visual effects are all majestic. There are moments when the viewer has no idea of what is happening at all but still cannot remove their eyes from the screen. It is truly hypnotic.

    A bit of warning though, you might hate Interstellar after seeing this one!

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