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The Magicians - TV Series

Discussion in 'Movies & TV' started by Ana Galdamez, Mar 8, 2018.

  1. Ana Galdamez

    Ana Galdamez New Member

    Mar 7, 2018
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    Ok so not too long ago an ad on Youtube (before the entire Adpocalips thing) showing off a new Sy Fy original. The trailer was good and had me thinking "Ok Sy Fy you have my attention." and gave it shot. I'd been burned by Sy Fy before, a series or movie that looks good ends being boring and not worth my time. This was so, so different. If I were to describe it simply it would be if Hogwarts were a college and there was even more iffy stuff was happing. The magic system is interesting as well as the more "urban" fantasy feel to it. While the first season makes you that Quin, the one that the series focuses around for the first season, leads you to believe is the Chosen One the viewer gets thrown for a loop at the end. For those that want to give this one a try, I won't spoil it but trust me the last few episodes are full of "Excuse me what?". Has anyone here seen it? If so what are you're thoughts? Has anyone read the book and can compare?

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