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The reason for meditation

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Louise du Plessis, Jul 14, 2017.

  1. Louise du Plessis

    Louise du Plessis New Member

    Jul 14, 2017
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    Meditation has been practiced in the East for thousands of years. It has only recently become part of the Western lifestyle, and many people practicing meditation have found that it has far-reaching benefits.

    There are many different ways to practice meditation, and it is often confusing to find one that works. It is my hope that this post will clarify some of those techniques that can be used by almost anyone, no matter how busy their lifestyle.
    One thing to bare in mind is that the Eastern style of meditation is difficult for beginners, and so it is suggested that some of these simpler techniques might assist in starting a daily practice.

    Breathing is usually the first technique that any beginner can master. The 4-4 count of the basic Yogic breathing is easy enough to follow, and 5 or ten minutes a day is a good start.
    Yogic breathing is done by inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. The breath is held for four then let out for four.
    Patterns can be changed to the 6-8 or 8-8 counting if desired.

    the next technique combines the Yogic breathing with a chant or Mantra, often accompanied by a Rosary or Mala (A string of 108 beads). Again, a five to ten minute practice is enough to get started.
    Candles and Incense are often added to create a soothing atmosphere.

    The final technique discussed here is the moving meditation. this can be a walk, a run through a park, or dancing, as long as the mind is not focused on the conscious movement of the body, but rather on the subconscious mind.
    I trust that this post has provided many people with some useful techniques to add to their practices. Happy meditating.

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