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These Common Habits Can seriously Damage Your Kidneys!

Discussion in 'Health' started by surebettn, Sep 5, 2017.

  1. surebettn

    surebettn New Member

    Aug 11, 2017
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    We all know that the the bean-shaped structure in our body called kidneys are very important! They are the organs that basically help to detoxify and purify our body system so that we can have a healthy living. So, because of this essential role that is assigned to our kidneys, it became paramount that we think about them very much and always take care of them.

    Unfortunately there are some common things we do everyday that can seriously damage these vital organs. I want to list few of them here and welcome you to look at them and see which one is affecting you.
    • High salt consumption
    • Drinking excessive alcohol
    • Not taking enough sleep(I'm guilty of this)
    • Insufficient water consumption
    • Not emptying our bladder on time
    • Ignoring common infections
    • Smoking.
    • Eating to much protein.
    So, if you are guilty of any the listed above, I urge you to start adjusting now before it becomes too late. Meanwhile, I would like to see you write what you think about them here.
  2. supaxpat

    supaxpat New Member

    Sep 11, 2017
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    I am completely guilty of number 3, 5 and 8 on the list. Since I learned about computer and Internet surfing, getting enough sleep became alien to me. I'm constantly before my screen everyday and night playing with my PC, and never find time to sleep well. I also like and consume fresh and processed meat more than any other thing. And, according to the information I got online, too much of protein(especially of animal origin) is not good for our health.

    Meanwhile, I'll try to start adjusting my lifestyle so that I don't get any of my organs damaged. Though, I've not suffered from it once, but I always read about how dangerous kidney disease is and never wished to suffer it.

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