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What’s Your Fav Seasonal Fruit??

Discussion in 'Health' started by ShawNee Fields, Aug 29, 2017.

  1. ShawNee Fields

    ShawNee Fields New Member

    Aug 17, 2017
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    Summer comes first in my lineup of favorite seasons here in northern Oregon. Lately, the heat waves have been a bit continuous for weeks at a time, temperatures reaching 105 degrees. It’s ideal to remain hydrated when navigating outdoors and even indoors to maintain overall good health throughout the day.

    Hydrating summer melons is a staple to enjoy to keep my body balanced. Like most fruits, cantaloupe has a high-level water content, at about 90%. Besides hydration, cantaloupe is a great replacement for high calorie sugary snacks and desserts. What’s your take on melons? Have you grown any? Does a particular fruit make you dance?
  2. KhalilaRose

    KhalilaRose New Member

    Sep 2, 2017
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    Watermelon! Watermelon is my absolute favorite summer fruit. I used to live in Asia and watermelons there tend to be much sweeter than the ones I can buy in Canada. But that doesn't mean I don't enjoy watermelons here either! While I am normally a sucker for ice cream, whenever watermelons are in season I lose all cravings for ice cream and crave chilled watermelons for dessert instead. Cantaloupe and honeydew melons can be amazing too, but I find it harder to find ones that are super sweet and juicy at the same time. Maybe I keep missing the best time to buy them.
  3. jasminepvk

    jasminepvk New Member

    Sep 7, 2017
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    Mango and Watermelon is my favorite seasonal food,usually we got that only at summer season.So I have been waiting for it in other season.
    I made fresh juices from it and gave it to my friends.Especially my mom made mango pickle for me its so tasty and yummy too.

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