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Do you believe in the afterlife?

Discussion in 'Religion & Spirituality' started by Bianca88, Apr 8, 2016.

  1. Bianca88

    Bianca88 New Member

    Apr 8, 2016
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    Growing up I was taught to believe that when one dies they either go to a peaceful place called paradise or they go to a place of eternal damnation called hell but as I contemplated on these ideas as an adult my beliefs began to shift. My Interest in this subject led to many months of intense research, It was important for me that I find a compelling viewpoint that I would believe in completely. To the dismay of my parents, I left behind all my preconceived beliefs and went on a journey to find my own truth.

    My quest led me to a place were I no longer believe in life after death, I believe that when human beings dies they cease to exist and our energy or spirit goes back to the creator. My ideology is that the creator cannot punish individuals because they have never known him, i.e., the many tribes that have existed from the foundation of the world who may have never heard of any religion.

    What viewpoint do you hold on this topic?
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2016
  2. mouneir

    mouneir New Member

    Apr 8, 2016
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    I don't believe in an afterlife. I think every aspect of the world can be represented as a discreet set of processes. I don't believe in a creator, or any sort of higher power whatsoever. Any religious text has many contradictions, and so many different religions exist that the probability of one actually being accurate is impossibly small.

    I don't believe in an external moral code, or good people, or bad people. Everything just sort of... Is. Certain amino acids happened to be in the right place at the right time, billions of years ago, and eventually took us to where we are now. Such a system of beliefs, while scientifically irrefutable, can be a little depressing at times. Every day I struggle to find purpose, knowing that all of my actions are insignificant on a universal scale.

    I hold only the utmost respect for your personal religious beliefs, although I would encourage you to keep an open mind. I applaud your courage for questioning the beliefs of your parents and developing your own ideology, although I can't say that I agree with your conclusions.
  3. kalchakrag

    kalchakrag New Member

    Apr 11, 2016
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    As we all know that death is inevitable , one will go to either Heaven or Hell after death . But what about our good old Earth ? If every one goes to Heaven or Hell , Earth will become empty one day .

    I believe that there is no thing like religion , there is only one religion and that is humanity . Humanity is above every religion . Humanity to not only humans , but to all other species because human is the most intelligent species and it is their moral duty to embrace other sub species .

    I believe in something like THE SUPERPOWER which exists everywhere . We worship that power , be it in it's original form , or in sub form , or in different form or without any form in our every aspects of life . We sometimes see something extra ordinary to happen in today's life which we cannot explain . One that can exist without any form has got the power to take any form , e.g water takes the form of the utensil in which it exists .
    Human beings are destined to go to Heaven or Hell or take re- birth back to Earth according to their present activities " Karma" . All of us are acting unknowingly according to some formula and that applies to our re-birth also .

    Well , these are my personal thoughts and has got nothing to do with this world . My favourite movie is " The Matrix " part 1 , you may get to understand something .
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2016
  4. Needwk50

    Needwk50 New Member

    Apr 12, 2016
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    Kalchakrag, this is a tough topic to discuss, but I do believe that there is a greater power out in the universe, as you do, but I also believe that there is an afterlife and that once we leave the physical world our spirit moves on to another place.

    I used to think that when a person dies they either go to heaven or hell, I don't believe that so much now I believe that our physical body, the flesh is returned to the earth and our spirit, or energy is released to the world to travel or remain in one place. This is all just my opinion, Thre has to be a before life and an after life.
  5. kalchakrag

    kalchakrag New Member

    Apr 11, 2016
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    Yes , I agree with you . In our daily life , as we change clothes and wear new one , the same thing happens with our body . If any orgasm fails within a body , the body tries to restore itself to it's previous position . But , if a vital organ fails , the body has nothing to do and it expires . The spirit within the body gets released . The energy is never destroyed , it only changes it's form. According to the "Karma" -the activities done before , the spirit may take another body and takes re-birth , or it remains to wander around according to the rules set by that unknown power . If the previous form was of a human being , it is not necessary that the next form will be of a human being .
  6. lushuNn

    lushuNn New Member

    Apr 13, 2016
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    My view is strange, but this is why I believe in an afterlife.
    Not all of us are religious, and some who believe in an afterlife are Atheists as well!

    I believe in an afterlife because it is illogical to assume that we only exist to reproduce. Logic does not necessarily go hand-in-hand with Science, for many scientific theories are proven wrong over time. Science cannot answer any "why" questions unless it has to do with physical matter or physical needs, so it would be silly to turn to Science for the "big" questions like "Why are we here? What is our purpose? What happens after we die?

    The only human concept that logic can completely relate to would be mathematics. In mathematics, there is no 'end' number or 'beginning' number because there are an infinite amount of negative numbers before zero, and an infinite amount of positive numbers after zero. There is no end or beginning to mathematics because that would be illogical, wouldn't it? If you really think about it, the chemicals and hormones in our body are just mathematical equations. Every action we take will result in a reaction of some sort.

    The concept of infinity is just too much for some people to grasp, so of course they will tell themselves that an afterlife does not exist. I personally believe it is illogical. When we die, our bodies don't disappear. They decompose into the ground and our molecules become nutrients for other organisms. So why would our consciousness magically disappear out of nowhere? Nothing ever dies. It just changes. I could ramble on much more, but it is difficult to change the minds of other people anyway, whether they be religious or scientific.
  7. Espi

    Espi New Member

    Apr 19, 2016
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    United States
    As a man of non religious beliefs, If any of my advice to you if any could be of assistance to your journey to find answers to your questions, I would say this.

    There is no real fact that anyone can give us about what happens after death. It's only up to you to decide what you want to believe about what will happen. You can ask 100 people, and receive 100 answers. I chose not to listen to anyone and go off of what I choose to believe because like I just said, everyone will give you their own opinions on the matter at hand. I don't want opinions, and if I had no choice but to accept opinions, I will create my own as far as what I choose to believe in.
  8. ChristinaV83

    ChristinaV83 New Member

    May 18, 2016
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    I am inline with Espi with what he said here
  9. RedGold

    RedGold New Member

    May 21, 2016
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    I completely agree with you because growing up i was taught in a very religious family. As I got older i began to do research for myself and read what the bible says on many topics about death.One of the many verses talks about death as you have said.I don't know if i should throw verses out there because many people do not believe in the bible.

    It's like before our mom and dad made us we wasn't even thought of yet or created.Death can be like a deep sleep because when you are sleep you don't know what's going on around you until you wake up. The first thing you do when you wake up is to see what time it is.People can have opinions all day but we all need to do further research and reason with verses from the bible on this subject.
  10. Rafay

    Rafay New Member

    Jul 6, 2016
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    hey Bianca,

    I would have to disagree with you because i totally believe in the afterlife because i'm a Muslim and my religion very briefly and beautifully explains the after life.
    My belief is that after you die and you are presented infront of two angels who ask questions from you about your life and the things you did and didn't and after that if you answer them sucessfully you go to heaven otherwise hell.
    My belief is also that there will be a judgement day before the afterlife on which god will decide who will go to heaven for eternal luxuries and treasures and who will go to hell for eternal punishment.
  11. sharmist

    sharmist New Member

    Aug 28, 2016
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    I do believe in an afterlife because the bible tells us that there is one and I believe the bible. I look forward to seeing my family members who have gone on before me.

    I am afraid for people who don't believe in the afterlife are going to be in for a big surprise when they die.
  12. gambrix

    gambrix New Member

    Aug 9, 2015
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    I do believe in the afterlife, and my viewpoint about it has also changed throughout the years. I used to believe that when we die, we only go to either heaven, hell, or purgatory. But a few years ago, when my friend's bf had a past life regression, I started to believe in reincarnation because of the things that he saw that made sense in this lifetime.

    So I think that all people do have souls that go to the invisible realm, but we also have a choice to remain a soul or to reincarnate and tackle the next tests for our spiritual growth.
  13. success agenda

    success agenda New Member

    Nov 12, 2016
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    As a child of God who is filled with the holyspirit , i totally agree to the facts that there is a life after this life because it is written in the holy bible. Have you ever asked yourself this questions '' how do i come into existence'', ''how did this world come to be '', '' how do i know am dead''. My friends let me tell you this , there is life after now, there is heaven and there is hell.

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