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Gain a few pounds.

Discussion in 'Fitness' started by Usernamesmyt, Mar 21, 2016.

  1. Usernamesmyt

    Usernamesmyt New Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    So much emphasis is placed on losing weight, people forget that there are a few of us out there looking to put on a few pounds. Eating a lot does not seem like a healthy solution.

    Any suggestions on how I can safely and healthily gain some weight?
  2. gomer3d

    gomer3d New Member

    Apr 9, 2016
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    One healthy way to gain weight is by putting on more muscle mass. The weight of muscle is higher than that of the same volume of fat. Therefore, if we can add a lot more protein to aid in weight gain, and convert that over to muscle by working out, we can build up weight through muscle mass. It's easier said than done. I would suggest finding a good gym with a nutritionist that can aid you on your journey.
  3. Espi

    Espi New Member

    Apr 19, 2016
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    United States
    I agree, somewhat. I would never suggest just overloading yourself with junk food or whatever else that will do the job. You want to gain weight with a goal. Many people may not know this but gaining muscle mass takes more work than just putting on pounds of fat. If you really want to gain more weight, consider how much you want to gain and what you want to look like. I personally would never want to just gain body fat because I would loose muscle mass.

    You might look much better and also feel more better if you were to gain more weight by taking the athlete approach. Add in a decent amount of cardio, and set a good gym routine about 2 to 3 times a week for no more than 1 hour a workout. Becoming more active will make you more hungry for sure, and this is where you can start taking advantage of filling your body up with things that will for surely help you to gain weight.

    Start cooking at home if you don't, eat lean meats, beef, also eat plenty of fruits, and over time those extra pounds will definitely add up. This will also give you a better physique as well. It takes time, I would say with the a good amount of working out, and eating more, you should be able to put on about 10 - 20 pounds of a mixture of body fat and muscle mass over a period of 3 - 4 months. Really consider how much you choose to eat. Remember this, meat is good for mass. I'm sure there are other people who will have something different to say about that, but there are many methods one could take to gain more mass.
  4. Decentlady

    Decentlady New Member

    Apr 19, 2016
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    Gosh! I can so identify with you. I used to be stuck at 39kgs for like seven long years. No efforts for weight gain helped.

    What really did help was a change of lifestyle. I used to be highly active although I used to eat a lot too. I totally stopped thinking about my weight during a university field trip and ate to my heart's desire. Although we walked moderately daily but it was a casual walk unlike my usual marching style. Besides, mentally it was a stress free good three months. Upon coming back I was 54kgs, a history made in itself.

    You too can gain weight easily just focus on striking a balance among your activity level, food intake and happier outlook.

    Good luck!
  5. Alex Marasco

    Alex Marasco New Member

    May 3, 2016
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    Weight lifting can actually help a dedicated person gain weight, but doing that still requires you to eat more than what you are used to.

    One of the best ways, in my opinion, is drinking your calories. Drinking calories is the easiest way to consume calories, and also drinking is not as filling as eating. Smoothies, shakes, soda, juice, etc. They all will work.
  6. Amel Sijaric

    Amel Sijaric New Member

    May 24, 2016
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    I remember my hard times when I was not able to get any pound. I was very skinny and it looked like it would never be changed. Solution to my weight problems was working out at the gym and eating a lot of healthy food with a lot of calories. A lot of protein shakes too with some healthy carbs and creatine added. I am still struggling to gain more weight but at least I am not that skinny as I was one year ago. I hope this will help to anybody that have weight gaining problem.

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