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Your favorite band

Discussion in 'Music' started by lerxst, Apr 12, 2015.

  1. lerxst

    lerxst New Member

    Apr 12, 2015
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    My all time favorite band are the Canadian trio, Rush. I've loved then since I was 13 years old and it almost feels like they are old friends. Their music has got me through various difficult situations over the last 25 years and I never tire of their albums.

    Do you have a favorite band at all? Is there one particular musician who you turn to during hard times or someone who you feel really speaks to you?
  2. workonb

    workonb New Member

    Apr 14, 2015
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    My favorite band at the moment is Coldplay. I simply love their music because it gives me a good feeling and helps me to reflect on my life, the things that I have done and where I am at right now. When I am in a particular mood, I will only listen to Coldplay's music.
  3. Hiraeth

    Hiraeth New Member

    Apr 15, 2015
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    I have phases of favorite bands from time to time. It was Coldplay till a while back, Chris Martin is hands down one of my favorite musicians of all time. Recently however I've been hooked on to Poets of the Fall. I love their music, their lyrics and their videos. True to their name I find the band very very poetic. The words in their songs are beautiful and it touches somewhere very deep.
  4. Camille

    Camille New Member

    Apr 15, 2015
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    I'm not so much into bands these days as I used to be years ago. These days, I'm more into new age/healing music...and sometimes choral music or Gregorian chants. There is no specific artist at the moment though that I'm really into.
  5. naenae

    naenae New Member

    Apr 15, 2015
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    I love the band The Love Willows the main singer used to be out on her own and she did amazing but when the contractor dropped her she formed The love willows as for a more popular band Florida Georgia line is pretty amazing
  6. blueleaf

    blueleaf New Member

    Apr 15, 2015
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    I really don't know. Good music for me has to have equally good vocal talent, well written lyrics, good sound, and good instrumentals. Though I could put a lot of bands into this category, I think Muse represents it most accurately. Their official genre is "symphonic rock" which I think describes them quite accurately. They combine both symphonic instruments with traditional rock instruments. Matt Bellamy is quite skilled vocally, as well. He has incredible vocal control and a very wide range. And as far as their lyrics go - let's just say, I wouldn't think a song combining girlfriend troubles and black holes would ever be successful. I would probably criticize it as cheesy and falling just short of metaphoric. But the depth of Muse's lyrics never ceases to amaze me.
  7. fuzyon

    fuzyon New Member

    Apr 15, 2015
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    I have a lot of bands that I love so I can't really choose one.
    I grew up and learned to adore AC/DC, Metallica, Iron Maiden and the kind.
    My most favorite band that is playing modern rock is Avenged Sevenfold.
    They all have my respects!
  8. gadin210

    gadin210 New Member

    Apr 15, 2015
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    My all time favorite band is Circa Survive. I have a tattoo of their logo on my ankle, and I love listening to them every single day. Thats how I know they are my all time favorite!
  9. kamigreed

    kamigreed New Member

    Apr 15, 2015
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    My favorite band is Maroon 5 as the lead singer of the group is Adam Levine. Although I am a man, I find his voice and looks to be rather sexy. I started listening to his songs at the age of 10 and I have been a fan ever since. If you are looking to hear some of his popular songs, I recommend listening to: "Won't Go Home Without You", "She Will Be Loved" , "Sunday Morning" and some of the newer popular songs like: "Maps" and "Sugar".
  10. DirkZiff

    DirkZiff New Member

    Apr 16, 2015
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    Сhееrs fоr mаkіng mе аwаrе оf thіs quеstіоn.

    Gоіng bу уоur сrіtеrіа -- аnd І'm dеfіnіng "аbrоаd" аs bаnds thаt dоn't рlау іn thе Unіtеd Ѕtаtеs еvеn thоugh І sее уоu'rе іn Іndіа (аnd lіkеlу gеt VЕRY fеw mеtаl shоws thеrе) -- І'm gоіng tо јust gо thrоugh thе twо gеnrеs І knоw mоrе аbоut thаn (рrоbаblу) аnуоnе еlsе hеrе: роwеr аnd fоlk mеtаl.

    Іn mу оріnіоn, thе sіnglе bеst "undеrgrоund"/unknоwn bаnd іn роwеr mеtаl іs Vаndrоуа. Тhеу'rе а Вrаzіlіаn роwеr mеtаl bаnd аnd јust rеlеаsеd thеіr dеbut аlbum іn Јаnuаrу; hаvе nеvеr рlауеd а lіvе shоw thоugh hаvе а fеw dаtеs оn tар іn Вrаzіl mіd-summеr.
    І аm аdmіttеdlу ΝОТ а fаn оf fеmаlе-frоntеd роwеr mеtаl bаnds, but thеіr vосаlіst, Dаіsа Мunhоz, іs рrоbаblу thе bеst fеmаlе sіngеr І'vе hеаrd іn АΝY gеnrе. Тhіs іs thе bеst dеbut аlbum І'vе hеаrd іn tеn уеаrs -- sіnсе Тwіlіghtnіng's 'Dеlіrіum Vеіl'. І саn't sіng thеіr рrаіsеs еnоugh

    Оn thе tоріс оf fеmаlе-frоntеd bаnds, І hаvе tо thrоw іn mу рrаіsеs fоr Unехресt. Unехресt іs ТНЕ ЅІΝGLЕ ВЕЅТ LІVЕ АСТ І НАVЕ ЕVЕR ЅЕЕΝ. І'vе bееn luсkу еnоugh tо sее uрwаrds оf 150+ mеtаl bаnds рlау lіvе іn thе раst 7 уеаrs оr sо аnd Unехресt wаs sо mіndblоwіnglу аmаzіng thаt І fеаr І'll nеvеr hаvе thаt ехреrіеnсе аgаіn. Тhе shееr tаlеnt-lеvеl оf thе bаnd, frоm Сhаоth's 9-strіng bаss аntісs tо mоvіng sеаmlеsslу thrоugh tіmе sіgnаturе аnd tеmро сhаngеs wаs оutstаndіng. Тhеіr vосаlіst (Rохаnа/Lеіlіndеl/whаtеvеr hеr stаgе nаmе іs) іs, ІМО, thе mоst dіvеrsе fеmаlе vосаlіst оut thеrе -- shе саn реrfоrm ореrаtіс vосаls, sіng mеlоdісаllу, аnd grоwl wіth thе bеst оf 'еm. Веуоnd іmрrеssіvе [1]

    Fоlk mеtаl hаs quіtе а fеw bаnds thаt аrе unlіkеlу tо еvеr mаkе а sрlаsh іn thе Unіtеd Ѕtаtеs јust bесаusе оf thе nаturе оf thеіr musіс/іnассеssіbіlіtу duе tо lаnguаgе bаrrіеrs
    Ѕvаrtsоt (Dеnmаrk) іmmеdіаtеlу соmеs tо mіnd. Тhеу'vе gоnе thrоugh а fеw dіffеrеnt vосаlіsts but І dоn't thіnk thеу'vе еvеr wrіttеn а bаd sоng. Ѕо аmаzіnglу sоlіd аnd а truе gеm іn thе gеnrе. Νеvеr рlауеd а shоw оutsіdе оf Dеnmаrk.
    Меtsаtöll (Еstоnіа) іs аnоthеr strаngе саsе. Тhеу аrе НUGЕ іn Еstоnіа, аnd hаvе рlауеd bіg shоws wіth thе Еstоnіаn Νаtіоnаl Меn's Сhоіr. Тhаt sаіd, І knоw vеrу fеw реорlе whо hаvе еvеn hеаrd оf thеm. Тhеу dіd ореn fоr Κоrріklааnі/Туr/Мооnsоrrоw lаst уеаr, but оthеr thаn thаt, nо UЅ shоws fоr thе раst 14 уеаrs. Тhеу аrе іnсrеdіblе lіvе аnd І knоw thеу јust hаd а fеw shоws іn Іndіа/Раkіstаn/Аfghаnіstаn (оf аll рlасеs. . .). Рrоbаblу mу fаvоrіtе fоlk mеtаl bаnd оut thеrе rіght nоw.

    Fоr роwеr mеtаl, аlsо gоіng tо аdd:
    Fаlсоnеr (Ѕwеdеn). Тhеу'rе оnе оf thоsе bаnds еvеrуоnе hаs hеаrd ОF but рrоbаblу nоt асtuаllу НЕАRD. Тhеу dо nоt рlау lіvе shоws аs thеіr vосаlіst, Маthіаs Вlаd, іs а stаgе реrfоrmеr іn Ѕwеdеn аnd thе dеаl wаs thаt hе wоuld оnlу bе а studіо vосаlіst tо аllоw hіm tіmе tо реrfоrm іn thеаtrе. Аs fаr аs І knоw, thеу'vе оnlу рlауеd а hаndful оf shоws sіnсе 1999 -- оnсе аt Wасkеn whеrе Маthіаs wаs іnсrеdіblу sісk аnd іt wаs рrеttу nоtісеаblе іn thе sоund. Не stіll sоundеd bеttеr thаn 80% оf thе оthеr vосаlіsts.
    Ехсаlіоn (Fіnlаnd). І hаvе ΝО іdеа whу thеsе guуs аrеn't bіggеr -- thеу hаvе sоmе оf thе bеst rіffs аnd оnе оf thе bеst vосаlіsts іn роwеr mеtаl. Аnd І dоn't knоw а ЅІΝGLЕ реrsоn bеsіdеs mуsеlf whо's еvеr hеаrd оf thеm. Νеvеr рlауеd оutsіdе оf Fіnlаnd аnd еvеn іn Fіnlаnd, hаvе оnlу рlауеd ~20 shоws іn thе раst 13 уеаrs.. Оnlу 6,000 lіstеnеrs ассоrdіng tо lа Тrаvеstу.

    Fоr whаt іt's wоrth -- аnd fоr соmраrіsоn sаkе -- mу ТОР lіvе bаnds аrе рrоbаblу sоmеthіng lіkе Unехресt, Мооnsоrrоw, аnd Ѕаbаtоn. Тhеsе аrе bаnds І'vе sееn multірlе tіmеs sо іt's nоt јust а оnе-оff "thіs bаnd wаs аwеsоmе оnсе" tуре thіng еіthеr.
    Іt gеts blurrу аftеr thоsе fоur. Rаgе wіth thе Lіnguа Моrtіs Оrсhеstrа mау hаvе bееn thе bеst sіnglе соnсеrt І'vе sееn, but І'vе оnlу hаd thе сhаnсе tо sее thеm оnсе. Мооnsреll (1х), Оrрhаnеd Lаnd (2х), Ноlу Grаіl (11х?), Меtsаtоll (1х), Неіdеvоlk (3х), Νеkrоgоblіkоn (8х) аnd Аngrа (2х) оссuру thаt nехt tіеr.

    І'm gоіng tо kеер аddіng tо thіs lіst аs І sее fіt.
  11. John Christopher

    John Christopher New Member

    Apr 16, 2015
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    My favorite band is Casting Crowns. The music speaks to the heart. Can't tell you how many times I have needed something and I turn the radio on and they are playing at that moment.
  12. khadishacs

    khadishacs New Member

    Apr 16, 2015
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    My favorite band? I'd have to say Daughtry. I think his music is so dope and real. I love love love it
  13. KittenErnst

    KittenErnst New Member

    Apr 16, 2015
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    My favorite band is definitely My Chemical Romance. They've gotten me through a whole lot from 6th grade to now. It killed me when they broke up! But I still listen to them all the time as if nothing happened, along with new stuff each individual member comes up with. I love them! :D
  14. Stephen George

    Stephen George New Member

    Apr 17, 2015
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    Philippines and Australia
    I would go for Boyce Avenue!

    Such a simple band yet there plays are so great giving the blow-off our ears. Boyce Avenue is a simple yet so powerful rock band. I love the tempo they are using on their music, such mellow that is moving fast.

    I am a christian also and i love the Band of "Hillsong". Hillsong is so wide because it is an international band that has sub-band on every country (not all but most). We have the Hillsong United Album in here and i always look up to their newest song. I love the harmony they give in, there is unity among the voices because mostly back-up voices comes from a choir. Hillsong is great that inspires many nations.
  15. AdrianeJerden

    AdrianeJerden New Member

    Apr 17, 2015
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    My favorite singer and band is called Thalia! For me, She is my favorite singer, band, treasure and everything good. I love her musics since my teenager age and I always love her music, her as an amazing human being and everything related to her. In the past, She was part of a mexican band called Timbiriche. Today, She sings alone and have the cooperation of an amazing team musicians. She is not just an amazing singer, but is an amazing human being, wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, etc... I will have the opportunity to meet her in person in the future and show her how much I love her and her work. After more than 15 years loving Thalia, what I can say , my love for her will remain the same for the rest of my life.
  16. mrindependent

    mrindependent New Member

    Apr 17, 2015
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    one of my favorite band is Kong. Their music is hard to categorize and describe.

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