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Are computers more intelligent than humans

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by casper0v, Mar 3, 2016.

  1. casper0v

    casper0v New Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Yes computers appear to be more intelligent than humans at some task, but even if machines could improve on themselves as humans now do for them, this would not be nearly as intelligent as the birth of a child. As for a computer to be more intelligent to humans at chess or any other task, lets say that the human does not create the computer in the first place or supply it with electricity, or keep it dry and insulated, or supply it with the needed computer code to run chess or other mathematical calculations ....yada yada yada. Since the human can exist without the machine, the human becomes more intelligent as the human while wet can survive the first rainstorm as the computer becomes a pile of plastic and metal rubbish, that is not in any way prepared to survive and continue to demonstrate the illusion of intelligence in the real world, that is sometimes very wet.
  2. Persona

    Persona New Member

    Apr 8, 2016
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    I wouldn't say they are more intelligent. They are created to store information and programmed to use that information to complete certain things.

    We have people in the world we label 'Savants' that can memorise far beyond the normal capability of a human. They are probably comparable to a computer. If you have an excellent memory you are able to remember many things and apply them to tasks.

    To me, memory is not an example of intelligence. Memory and application of said memory is what computers are.

    Lastly, a computer is only as good as it's programmer. A poorly programmed computer will not be able to do many things. Whereas a well programmed one will function well and be able to do far more than the aforementioned.
    owlette likes this.
  3. mouneir

    mouneir New Member

    Apr 8, 2016
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    I'm something of a materialist when it comes to philosophy. I believe that the human brain as a system is entirely self contained, and that every thought or feeling can be represented as a set of neurons and synapses. Following that sort of logic, human beings can be represented as discreet computer systems, although they're carbon based with all sorts of other complexities rather than more traditional bunches of semiconductors.

    If humans and computers can both be expressed in the same set of discreet terms, which one can be said to be more intelligent? What even is intelligence? We can talk about things like creativity or emotional capacity, but those are really just discreet 'computer' functions that we don't fully understand yet.

    Modern calculations show that the human brain is quite a bit more powerful that our fastest supercomputers, but the resource allocation is so different that computers will always be able to outclass us in tasks like analysis or math. We're currently ahead of them on an emotional and creative level, but what's to say that they'll never catch up?

    I'm sorry I don't have a concrete answer for you, but it's not much of a concrete question, is it? I hope my response provokes some new thoughts. I wish you the best with your future philosophizing!
    owlette and Persona like this.
  4. jaklein25

    jaklein25 New Member

    Apr 9, 2016
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    Whose to say that they are and just prtetending that they aren't conscious.
  5. HearMeRoar

    HearMeRoar New Member

    Apr 26, 2016
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    Yes, computers have higher intellectual capabilities than humans. They can process information faster, they can calculate insurmountable data in a fraction of the time a human can do it manually. They can also be more productive, as seen on factories all over the planet, and they can also gather more information than regular humans, as demonstrated in automated election results. So what do we humans have as an upper hand against the computers? Simple. We have ingenuity. We have decision making skills, and a trained veteran pilot will always make the better flyer compared to a plane that is manned by a machine. True, there are some things computers can do better than humans, but there is a vast ocean of knowledge out there that only the human mind can fathom, and that is why we are still better than these machines that we have created.
  6. Marcelo Faria

    Marcelo Faria New Member

    May 1, 2016
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    Until today, computers are limited to the human brain. Of course, they may be faster at some tasks, but the process used is still created by a human being. If we consider creativity as a crucial part of intelligence, it is safe to say that humans are much more intelligent. For example, a computer will not create a solution for an unsolved math problem. Only a person can have the creativity to do that.
  7. JimGoodman

    JimGoodman New Member

    May 9, 2016
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    I imаginе thе sаmе thing might hаppеn with аrtifiсiаl intеlligеnсе аs сurrеntly hаppеns with biоlоgiсаl intеlligеnсе аll оvеr thе wоrld. Whеn mаny сhildrеn grоw up, thеy mаy bе соnsidеrеd tо bе "smаrtеr" thаn thеir pаrеnts duе tо fаstеr аnd brоаdеr ассеss tо infоrmаtiоn. Thе sаmе саn hаppеn with tеасhеrs аnd studеnts оf thеirs whо gо оn tо surpаss thеm in knоwlеdgе аnd саpаbilitiеs.

    Аn АI wоuld similаrly bе аn оffspring оf humаn intеllесt. If it соmеs tо pаss thаt аn АI is аblе tо surpаss оur intеllесtuаl аbilitiеs аnd rеасh а lеvеl оf sеntiеnсе, I think thе first rеасtiоn frоm thоsе whо built it wоuld bе оnе оf ехtrеmе еlаtiоn. Thеir соllесtivе yеаrs оf еffоrt will hаvе finаlly bееn rеwаrdеd. Thе sесоnd rеасtiоn wоuld bе оnе оf wоrry аs tо hоw thаt АI wоuld dеvеlоp in sосiеty - bоth in rеgаrds tо hоw it wоuld trеаt аnd bе trеаtеd by оthеrs. Thе third rеасtiоn might bе а fееling оf inаdеquасy аs wе rеаlizе thе АI is grоwing аpаrt frоm us; аs it lеаrns mоrе it will rеаlizе thаt thе knоwlеdgе gаp bеtwееn itsеlf аnd оthеrs will оnly соntinuе tо gеt widеr.
  8. anorexorcist

    anorexorcist New Member

    Jun 7, 2016
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    Well, I think that computers may be more intelligent than humans on certain tasks because they're machines, and they can do things ( e.g. translating ) in a matter of seconds, that task may be difficult for a lot of humans, I guess.
    But they are still some things that computers can't really do or some capacities that they don't have yet, such as cognitive processes that at the end of the day help us to be more efficient or more sensitive in order to realize certain type of tasks.
  9. NormaD

    NormaD New Member

    Jun 21, 2016
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    South Africa
    I don't think that computers are more intelligent than humans. It might seem so on the surface, but that's only because there is so much going on in the brain that we cannot even begin to understand at this stage. Think of a simple thing like an itch. When you feel the urge to scratch your nose, there are so many calculations going on behind the scenes just to accomplish that simple task. So many, in fact, that we could spend the rest of today trying to list all of them here.

    For example, the distance your hand has to move and the path it has to follow to your nose, the correct angle to ensure that your hand gets to the exact spot where your nose is itching, the finger or fingers you are going to use to scratch your nose, just the right amount of pressure to apply to get the job done.... I could go on... And that's just me scratching my nose. Try and imagine the millions of other calculations going on behind the scenes.
  10. 701JH3YK050J4S90

    701JH3YK050J4S90 New Member

    Aug 8, 2016
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    United States
    Computers are not smarter than humans ... yet. They do have the potential to be smarter. The future of computing is in artificial intelligence, which despite the name, is real intelligence. Artifical intelligence means the capability to learn, to self-organize, basically to transform onself based on input, and now computers are able to draw from ridiculous amounts of data and apply ridiculous processing power to do stuff with that data. At the moment, computers are nothing close to the human mind in intelligence, but the difference between computers and humans is not a difference of kind - it's just a difference of degree.

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