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Why dо sоmе pеоplе lооk muсh yоungеr thаn thеir аgе?

Discussion in 'Health' started by JimGoodman, May 9, 2016.

  1. JimGoodman

    JimGoodman New Member

    May 9, 2016
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    Pеоplе whо hаvе mаintаinеd а fit, hеаlthy wеight thrоughоut thеir lifе will оftеn hаvе а yоungеr lооking physiquе, аs wеll аs lеss sаgging in thе skin in thеir jаw аnd nесk.

    Spеаking оf jаw аnd nесk, thоsе whо hаvе mаintаinеd а full sеt оf tееth аlsо аvоid thе bоnе lоss in thе mоuth аnd jаw struсturеs, whiсh givеs thе fасе а sunkеn аppеаrаnсе. This is а big rеаsоn why thе Fасеs оf Mеth is sо shосking. Thеsе yоung pеоplе lоsе thеir tееth аnd thеy stаrt lооking оld.

    Gооd tееth (whеthеr rеаl оr еnhаnсеd) саn аlsо mаkе а pеrsоn аppеаr yоungеr. Tееth nаturаlly dаrkеn with аgе; thе gums rесеdе аnd thе lоwеr tееth tеnd tо gеt сrоwdеd аrоund thе аgе оf 35. Vibrаnt hаir соlоr, with а glоssy tехturе аnd lоts оf vоlumе саn аlsо mаkе sоmеоnе lооk yоungеr. Аgаin, this саn bе rеаl оr еnhаnсеd, thоugh оftеn оnе hаs tо pаy а priсе fоr hаving niсе lооking hаir аt а сеrtаin аgе. (Thоugh this is оnе оf thе еаsiеst fiхеs, mаny оldеr fеmаlе сеlеbritiеs, suсh аs Hillаry Сlintоn оr Bаrbаrа Wаltеrs, hаvе bеаutiful hаir. It dоеs nоt hаvе tо lооk nаturаl аs in nоn-соlоr trеаtеd; it just nееds tо lооk niсе.)
  2. CrazyCatLady

    CrazyCatLady New Member

    May 11, 2016
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    Indeed all the signs of age are symptoms of damage in the healing mechanisms of our bodies. Be it substance abuse or just going out in the sun too much, premature aging illustrates exactly what kind of a toll our actions have on our bodies. People who lead a healthy and relatively stress-free life tend to age "better" as in the features of age settle on their faces and body much slower and more subtly compared to people who lead intense stressed lives, with harmful habbits like smoking and alcohol abuse.
    Age is an illness too, one that we cannot avoid and what we perceive as "old" in our brains is only an image full of the traits of getting more and more sick by the effects of age.
  3. RedGold

    RedGold New Member

    May 21, 2016
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    I think it's because of some humans genetics people tend to age gracefully.Also, factors play in it to like not smoking and eating healthy and etc.
    In my family nobody looks their age and that's a very good thing because the older you get people will have no clue hoe old you are.If we keep our brains active like in learning to play a new instrument or etc we will not age as fast.
  4. Sunflower_Michele54

    Sunflower_Michele54 Member

    Apr 25, 2015
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    I get told that I look younger than my age. I am twenty-four years old, and I look like a teenager. Even if I try to make myself look older, it doesn't help as much as I would like it to. Plus, I am only 5 foot 1, so I am short compared to the height of an average woman. It might be genetic because my parents look younger than their actual ages as well. My grandparents did, too.

    Most of the times, I like looking young because I can pass as a kid in certain events. However, I don't like it when I get looked at by guys who are older than me. I may look like a minor to them, but it's whatever. As long as they leave me alone, I can let it go more easily.

    Teens look at me like I am their age or younger, which makes me feel awkward. I look younger than most middle school kids, and I am a college graduate. I think it's pretty funny, even though I hate it sometimes.

    I get carded a lot when I go to clubs and order drinks, but not all the time. There are very few times where people thought I was my actual age, or even slightly older. That is very shocking to hear, but at least I don't look like a kid all the time. I get told to take it as a compliment. Most of the time, I do. There are times I wish I could be more treated that way.
  5. Ireca Sims

    Ireca Sims New Member

    Jun 14, 2016
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    I had similar experiences in my twenties. I was almost turned away when I tried to enter a club. The guy thought I was twelve. I thought that was hilarious. My dad looks young for his age as well. He is often told that he looks 40 and he is in his sixties. I think genetics plays a huge part of your looks. You will probably keep looking young well into old age. Enjoy! :)
  6. zeratul

    zeratul New Member

    Jul 10, 2016
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    People look younger than their age because of genes. However, one can easily squander the benefits of good genes by leading an unhealthy lifestyle, eating bad foods, sleeping too little, or allowing stress to take over. I don't have such good genes but I make up for it by living a clean, healthy lifestyle. Working online helps take much of the stress of travelling and dealing with bad bosses or snotty co-workers so I could say it has helped me a lot to maintain a stress-free life.
  7. Steph4real

    Steph4real New Member

    Jul 10, 2016
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    I've been told pretty often that I look younger than my age. Some people at my job think I'm a teenager! A lot of it is just having a good attitude about it and telling yourself, "I don't have to age if I don't want to!" Obviously, though, health and genetics plays a big factor and it's different for everyone. My advice would be getting plenty of "good fat" in your diet. It keeps the skin from wrinkling and is very good for the cells in your body. A favorite dish of mine is: salmon, avocado, and a sweet potato. :D

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