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Smartphones. A blessing or curse?

Discussion in 'Electronics' started by Hozyboy, Jan 19, 2016.

  1. Hozyboy

    Hozyboy New Member

    Jan 14, 2016
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    Many people use smart phones. They are the version of a miniature laptop. I do everything with my smartphone, from assignments to research to locking for jobs and entertainment. My phone is like a drug to me. I can't spend over ten minutes without touching it. I think you can also say the same thing.

    But these phones are said to be harmful to ones health. My smartphone came with instructions that I should place it one inch from my body. And I should take breaks from staring at my screen too long. From experience I have mild headaches from using my phone for a long time. Too much dependence on phones is also a problem. Like I said I can't spend over ten minutes without touching my phone screen and if I lose my phone today I will most likely get sick.

    What do you think? Are smartphones a blessing to us or are they some sort of curse.
  2. knoll2knoll

    knoll2knoll New Member

    Jan 22, 2016
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    I consider smartphones are blessing instead of calling them as curse because smartphones are the easily accessible and ready to use devices through which we can easily stay connected with rest of the world while keeping them in your palm. Just one smartphone and internet connection can bring information of whole world in your palm. stay happy. ;)
  3. Ashkan mousasi

    Ashkan mousasi New Member

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Smartphones have long been useful in school as potent tool for learning. They can be used as educational tools and can be utilized for typing up documents, research information, and many other things related to school. Smartphones have been proved to boost student learning if used correctly, because they have all the necessary tools for educational purposes.

    Smartphones can also be helpful and remind a student about an upcoming assignment, which helps you become more independent because your parents and teacher don’t need to remind you about assignments anymore. They also help individual classwork because you can listen to music which makes you quieter and more focused on your assignment. Smartphones can also test your knowledge of a subject which improves confidence and prepares you for the upcoming exam.
  4. Maxxis

    Maxxis New Member

    Jan 30, 2016
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    Cloud 9
    It's a curse when people use it for playing games when they are supposed to be working, speaking on it while driving with one hand or watching inappropriate videos.

    A smartphone can easily enrich lives by providing important information besides its basic function of connecting people. When I receive money in my bank account I get a text message on my phone - for me, that itself is the biggest blessing!
  5. stude69

    stude69 New Member

    Jun 10, 2016
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    Smartphones are both a blessing and a curse.With a smartphone you are able to do alot which the ordinary mobile phone cannot an example is multitasking but on the other hand smartphones do not last longer,when they crash the screen cracks and looks ugly,chances that the phone would function normally are minimal also smartphones are prone to theft and you might loose your smartphone anytime.
  6. ahtishamzx

    ahtishamzx New Member

    Jun 26, 2016
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    Smartphone is blessing for everyone and most important thing is that it depends how we are using smartphone I mean some people use smartphone for their business purpose so they can check their important mail,news,while some of them using smartphone for making fake ID'S Facebook and downlind porn that is disgusting I mean you can do somethingelse like earning some online with your smartphone and gaming
  7. xTinx

    xTinx New Member

    Jun 27, 2016
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    The existence of smartphones has basically made my life easier and a little less monotonous. 80 percent of the time, they're a blessing but there are times when they do get on your nerves. The fact that it's difficult to conduct daily life without them actually gets to you sometimes. When I'm not plagued with such thoughts, however, I just use and enjoy my smartphone for what it's worth.
  8. ibezsocial

    ibezsocial New Member

    Aug 11, 2016
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    I definitely believe smartphones are a blessing, but can appreciate why anyone might consider them a curse. Smart phones extend our reach just the same as any other tool. So this has to be just as much as blessing a car or plane that carrys us from destination to destination in fairly short intervals compared to just a over a century ago. Just as transportation as evolved and improved so will the smart phone.

    My smart phone allows me the ability to communicate with people that speak different lanuages, turn by turn GPS directions, access to answers to health questions, local restaurants, step by step directions, news, live video chat, and so much more.

    I can say that my smart phone has truly been a blessing to me.
  9. xzreplays

    xzreplays New Member

    Jul 11, 2016
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    I believe that smartphones are a blessing since there is so many advantages as to why you would need a smartphone in your life. It makes your daily life easier since you are able to communicate much more quicker and easier also you are able to find out about the news instantly and stay up to day with the current situations which is a great thing.
  10. Shadowkatt

    Shadowkatt New Member

    Aug 24, 2016
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    Smartphones are a bit of both to me. One one hand you have a tool that allows for easy communication and easy access to a very large, diverse network of features all at the touch of your finger tips. The downside of this is that we lose touch with others in the real sense and in some cases become a bit lazy because of the ease of which we can do things. My opinion is this all technology is both a blessing and a curse.
  11. Eldho

    Eldho New Member

    Sep 3, 2016
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    It depends on how you use it, if you use it sensibly, then it certainly is a blessing and will be a curse if you use it another way around. Every piece of technology is a blessing if it used the way it meant to be. In the wrong hand, it could be a total disaster and can be used against the goodwill of the human being and society. So does the smartphones.
  12. Jasmin Cottontail

    Jasmin Cottontail New Member

    Sep 5, 2016
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    You can call it a gift or a curse relying upon on how and where you utilize it. For me, having a Smartphone is really a blessing since it helps me in a lot of things. Cellphones are the best method for communication these days, aside from the fact that we use it regularly by searching the web, watching videos and movies, helping us find a location that we are not familiar with, giving us directions, capturing extraordinary moments thus considerably more.

    It will be a curse if you use it the wrong way like if you're using your Smartphone too much. It can really cause you harm because as we all know the radiation coming from our phone can cause us some illness and health issues. Furthermore, we should not forget to interact with other people especially our loved ones. We should know when to put our phone down for a while to play with our kids or talk to our loved ones.
    Tyi likes this.
  13. Tyi

    Tyi Member

    Jul 25, 2016
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    I personally enjoy my smartphone. I can do so much with it. Currently, I have an LG-G4. I enjoy it because I am able to see the letters when I text and I can read what someone tests to me. As we know, smartphones have replaced so many devices. It is no longer necessary to wear a watch or stop watch. Clocks make really nice decorations, however, your phone has one built into it. Set the alarm clock on your phone so you can get up on time. Calculators, cameras, video recorders, a pedometer, and now live streaming will allow you to watch your favorite movies and television shows on the go. "Audible" is one of my favorite sources for ordering and listening to audiobooks. I have paid my bills and ordered everything from books to clothes and anything else in between. My children oftentimes rely on the GPS systems in their IPhones to get to where they need to get to. And these devices offer so much more.

    Unfortunately, too much of a good thing can be bad for you. I have read several articles about the dangerous of having the phone too close to your ears. Some people play the devices too loud when listening to music, videos, gaming, movies, and T.V. shows. As a result, many have suffered hearing loss. Various cancers have been attributed to excessive cellular use. Although I enjoy my device (smartphone), I also have no problem putting it down and giving it a rest. I still own a landline phone. It still gets the majority of my talk time.
  14. Tyi

    Tyi Member

    Jul 25, 2016
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    Well said. Too much of a good thing can easily become a bad thing without balance. Oftentimes, people will answer a text faster than a phone call. Some of us, especially among the younger generation are slowly losing the art of verbal communication. And unfortunately, written communication is not fairing any better. Because, when you text, you don't always have to completely spell out a word. When you use bcuz instead of because, 4get instead of forget and str8 instead of straight, I noticed that some people tend to lose some spelling and grammar skills.
  15. ChattyCatty

    ChattyCatty New Member

    Apr 19, 2015
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    United States
    I think it might depend on whether or not you grew up without them. For those who grew up before the existence of cell phones and especially smart phones, although we might use them quite a bit, I don't think we're quite as obsessed with them, nor as reliant on being constantly connected to the internet and our loved ones.

    I do use my smart phone quite a bit, but I use it, it doesn't use me. I use it for making money via online businesses, for communicating, for learning about breaking news, and also for a bit of enjoyment. I do have the same concerns as the original poster, because I see my nieces treating their phones as if they're parts of their bodies. They are constantly attached to them, and are bereft if they misplace or lose them. I've noticed that when I'm multitasking on my phone and computer simultaneously, I sometimes have difficulty with my eyes focusing, so I worry about what other negative effects I'm experiencing that I might not be aware of yet.

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