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First time in the gym: help with me with a workout!

Discussion in 'Fitness' started by me_rachel, Apr 21, 2019.

  1. me_rachel

    me_rachel New Member

    Apr 21, 2019
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    Hi there! I have never been to the gym before and I recently decided that I should start going. I am looking for advice on which type of exercises to do.

    I'm a little bit overweight, I'm 1,50m and my weight is 65kg. I would like to lose some weight and strenghten my body. I know my workout should have cardio and muscle work, but can you give some examples of a good day workout?
  2. LeiHanma

    LeiHanma New Member

    Apr 22, 2019
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    As a beginner, you should really consider getting a coach or even a friend that knows a thing or two about going to the gym. The most important thing of doing a workout is the form. If you did a workout with improper form, it could badly injure you. Of course, you could watch the proper forms on YouTube but doing it without someone watching could lead to bad form without you knowing.

    For the exercise itself, I would recommend 3 times a week lifting and 2 times a week of HIIT. HIIT stands for high intensity interval training. It will help burn more calories than steady state cardio. You should really do some research if you don't plan on getting a coach. A simple google search of '5 times a week weight loss' will give you lots of option to choose from. If you want a premium program that will teach you step by step, then I really recommend Athlean X. You can watch their Youtube channel, they're the most legit fitness channel there is.
  3. Dawid Kozik

    Dawid Kozik New Member

    Aug 25, 2020
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    Literally anything will work. If you lift your leg you'll probably gain muscle.

    Okay but actually, it can be pretty much anything. If you want to lose weight, you have 3 options.
    1. Eat less.
    2. More workout/cardio.
    3. Both.
    Aim for a 300~ caloric deficit. Just aim for that and you'll be fine. As long as you get about 1 gram of protein per lbs, you won't need to worry about macros.

    Go harder on the cardio or workout. HIIT isn't anything special. Just do more cardio. If you like HIIT, nice. Just do that. If you prefer running, do that, etc, etc.

    Eat a bit less but also do more cardio. It's easier on your diet and workout. It's self-explanatory.

    Now, for the plan. You want to strengthen your body?

    Pushups to Failure. (until you can't do anymore) - REMEMBER TO KEEP YOUR ARMS A BIT TUCKED IN
    Squats to Failure.
    Pullups to Failure.
    Any 1 ab workout to Failure.

    Repeat 3x.

    If you can't do an exercise, here are some easier variations.
    • Do the second half of the exercise as slowly as possible. (start in the top position and slowly go down)
    • Put your knees on the ground.
    • You can do Squats.
    • Attach a Resistance Band to the Pull-up Bar and put your feet on it so on the way up, it assists you.
    • Jump so you're hanging at the top position and slowly go down. (as slowly as possible)
    Ab Workout:
    • You can do it.
    I'm not sure if there's a messaging feature but if you need any extra help, use that if it exists, if not, reply to this.

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