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Do you think education is necessary to become rich?

Discussion in 'Education' started by nemanjanp, Sep 27, 2015.

  1. Qasim Anwar

    Qasim Anwar New Member

    Jul 1, 2017
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    No one can denies the importance of education but there are people in this world who learn more from their experiences rather than books or notes. Education in general taught you how you have to cultivate your plans but it is you who should know about how to execute your plan. People like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg learn more and more by pondering their thoughts practically rather than just open a book and get to know what to do or what not to do.
  2. Tuphan143

    Tuphan143 New Member

    Jul 3, 2017
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    No, education solely provides you knowledge, intellect,skill, expertise,exposure and career for creating your life respectable and smart.It is not entree of changing into made.Remember, made individuals is educated however educated individuals cannot be continuously made.*I can select the trail of business for changing into made not the education solely.
  3. Jush chris

    Jush chris New Member

    Jul 12, 2017
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    Let us just say that education isn't a must for one to become rich,but as someone already suggested,it makes things easier. When you have an education, you stand a better chance of becoming rich. It opens up more avenues to acquisition of wealth and an educated person will always have that confidence if it comes to the grabbing of an opportunity to make them rich.
  4. Malibeast

    Malibeast New Member

    Jul 13, 2017
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    I dropped out of college a few years ago. I gave up on the education system and myself. I worked and, to be honest, I didn't achieve a lot. It's so much harder for a person without a degree or education certificates to find a decent job. When I finally came to my senses and decided to resume my studies, I found that it was much harder get into university (due to my having dropped out at my first attempt). I had to fight to prove that I was ready to learn. You have to believe you can do it, and not ask others to believe for you.

    If you are quitting, know that it's going to be hard. Very hard. Your're going to have to work so much harder and be on the constant look-out for opportunities. College is an opportunity whose results are dependent on your work ethic. 'Going solo' is dependent on surroundings and what chances arrive.

    Stay in school.
  5. GatM

    GatM New Member

    Jul 18, 2017
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    Personally i think education is over rated. It becomes disappointing when an ' A' students works in a firm owned by a ' C ' student. Most highly educated people don't have much knowledge beyond the books. On the other hand the not so educated person usually have an open mind come to anything. This leads them to trying everything that comes on their way. Due to their open minds they start from a very low paying job or business and find their way up. The highly educated student would rather tarmac for years looking for a job that they might not get in the end than settle for a less paying job. Books dont bring success, only smart hard work in the real life.
  6. dudumodu

    dudumodu New Member

    Aug 2, 2018
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    I am really intrigued by this thread.

    There is a very essential differentiation that I do not see anybody making here. No, I did not miss the very valid clarification made by some contributors that education is not equal to schooling and is not available only in schools. The further clarification that I am referring to is that there are different types of education.

    Robert Kiyosaki delineates three types of education- general, professional and financial and makes it clear that wealth is built only by those who have financial education. He further points out that the great error of our age is that whereas the first two types of education are taught in schools, the third is not.

    I recommend his ( Kiyosaki's ) books, Rich Dad, Poor Dad as well as The Cashflow Quadrant . I also recommend George Classon's The Richest Man In Babylon.

    You can also listen to his talk on
  7. Eli

    Eli New Member

    Aug 3, 2018
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    I have also found this post very intriguing. I am personally going through a bit of a crisis as I decide whether to continue my formal schooling, enter the workforce, or begin learning a trade. I really appreciate your insight, and I will look into those books.

    I know education has (so far) gotten me all of the money I have earned. Having good grades in high school got me hired for my first part-time job. Doing well on standardized tests secured a scholarship to help pay for my college education. And the English writing that I learned in school has allowed me to make money online through various sites as a transcriptionist and clickworker. I wouldn't have gotten those jobs without my education; however, now that I am older, I am not sure that it is worth it to invest more time in my education. I will be graduating with an A.A. when I move, and likely will take a break (or possibly permanently leave) higher education.
  8. Cashe

    Cashe New Member

    Aug 4, 2018
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    Define "education". Define "rich". Define "necessary "! Is it mandatory to have a high level of formal education to make a lot of money? NO! There are indeed example of people with low levels of education becoming very rich with regard to making money. However, "on average", people with higher levels of education make more money in their lifetime than those with lower levels of education.

    Being "rich" can certainly mean more than having a lot of many others have pointed out and I fully subscribe to that thought.

    I have a bachelor's degree in Statistics and up until now, I haven't found a job that's in line with my career! I have had to do jobs like selling clothes, beauty products which pay my bills and am not doing so badly at it because apart from it paying my bills and vacations, I can also invest.!

    The way I see it, you don't need to be educated to become rich! Find a solution to people's need or give the people what they want and boom you are rich.
  9. dudumodu

    dudumodu New Member

    Aug 2, 2018
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    Thanks for your reply and I am happy to have shared something you find useful. Please do let me know if you encounter anything that you need clarification on in the course of your seeking out those references I gave. You may also want to find out if there is a Rich Dad Club near you . It is a sort of support group designed precisely to guide people into financial education and financial freedom.
    Cashe likes this.
  10. brettelizabeth1

    brettelizabeth1 New Member

    Aug 5, 2018
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    There are many different educations that you can receive that do not equate to riches. And, there are also many riches that may not come from an abundance of education. One could argue that teachers are severely underpaid, and yet they are the backbone of education. Education does not necessarily mean that you went to a conventional school. Education can be learned through many facets. A student does learn from a teacher or professor in a classroom. And that cost either tuition or tax dollars. But, a drug dealer can get his education by growing up on the streets and learning from older dealers. He simply got his education on the streets. A mechanic could have father who had an awesome garage at home, and allowed him to tinker away as a child. He may not have any formal education in mechanics, but he may end up being one of the best self taught mechanics. Nonetheless, he has an education in mechanics now. Some people are great sitting in a room, in a chair, staring at a board and others flourish in a hands on environment. Education can be taught everyday and everywhere. One just has to be open to learning to possibly learning from unconventional places.
    dudumodu likes this.
  11. dudumodu

    dudumodu New Member

    Aug 2, 2018
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    Wonderful expose. Actually, one may learn from situations rather than from other human beings. Learning occurs simply when there is a stimulus for deduction and there is a receptive mind. This also explains why we sometimes learn the exact opposite of what a parent, teacher or guardian hopes we will learn : simply, the situational stimulus is stronger and contradictory to what they are telling us.
  12. Amanda M

    Amanda M New Member

    Aug 9, 2018
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    There is more to life than being rich, in my opinion. Education is important and I believe finding a career you love and becoming educated in that field is worthwhile, but I don't know that it would make you rich.

    However, fulfilled, certainly. If you find something you love, learn as much as you can about it, and then do it the very best you can, your life will be fulfilling and rewarding, and then if you do make money from it in the process, that'll just be icing on the cake.
  13. dudumodu

    dudumodu New Member

    Aug 2, 2018
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    Nice perception. There definitely is more to life than any one thing taken in isolation. There is more to life than money, than being rich and also than being educated. Being rich is however important as an input into our being fulfilled. Being financially free gives us the opportunity not to have to reckon costs when we feel like doing things including( and probably most importantly ) helping others, Also, being financially free is actually not antithetic to being educated. It is also not something that just happens to you. It requires a certain kind of education- financial education. What makes us get into the error of regarding them as mutually exclusive is that this highly important type of education is often, if not always, not taught in classrooms.

    I am a stickler for general and professional education. I have both and only last year retired from the Nigerian public service . My own experience and those of beloved ones around me have however made me an even greater stickler for financial education. You can never be truthfully fulfilled unless money stops being an important consideration in determining whether or not you do things that you desire to do,

    Being wealthy actually has three components. To be truly rich, you must have financial freedom, health and time.
  14. Runnercam

    Runnercam New Member

    Aug 14, 2018
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    I don't believe that it is required to become rich but it may be a big factor in it. I am sure that someone with no education can get rich and be more successful than someone with an education. Just depends on what happens in the person's life.
  15. dudumodu

    dudumodu New Member

    Aug 2, 2018
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    e of education which is 'financial education' . It is hardly ever taught is schools but the rich always make sure they give it to their children at home .

    No matter how rich a family is, once they neglect handing down financial education to their children, the family fortune will begin to nosedive. On the other hand, once someone from a poor background somehow manages to pick up enough financial education, say under a mentor, he will be on his way to wealth; and if he manages to pass the education as well, he might just have made himself the founder of a rich line.

    Financial education is the reason why one professor will be rich and another poor. It is also the reason why one blue collar worker goes on to be rich and probably go on to change job or even venture into entrepreneurship whereas another person who did the same job with him, was employed by the same person/establishment , most probably on the same salary, will retire poor and needing to work into old age.
  16. Hudson

    Hudson New Member

    Aug 14, 2018
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    Education is indeed important for a person to become rich. During studies, one is able to spot opportunities while at the same gain knowledge that is helpful in taking advantage of them. It is to my belief that it is difficult to identify many opportunities with limited knowledge and this is where education is beneficial. Dropping from high school so as to pursue a dream may not be helpful because at this time majority are not fully aware of themselves and what they are capable of doing.
  17. dudumodu

    dudumodu New Member

    Aug 2, 2018
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    This is the essential definition of financial education- the ability to recognize and take advantage of opportunities for adding value. I typically ask people who say they have read ' Rich Dad, Poor Dad' - What do you think happened to the two young boys that day in the store when they saw the attendant tearing off the back of the comics. The answer is simple; their inner eyes opened and they became capable of recognizing the opportunity offered by the condemned comics.
    Hudson likes this.
  18. EarlAlexander

    EarlAlexander New Member

    Sep 16, 2018
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    I believe education is the most important tool you can receive, that can bring you most success in society today. Education lessens the challenges you will face in life. The more knowledge you gain the more opportunities will open up to allow individuals to achieve better possibilities in career and personal growth.

    I don't really think education is necessary to become rich but what I believe is that without education an individual stand a chance of losing his wealth or not being to expand his wealth. A wealthy uneducated man will always employment someone who is educated to aid him carry out some certain business, therefore education may not be a key to success but plays an important role in the life of an individual.
  19. Hafeez Ullah

    Hafeez Ullah New Member

    Sep 24, 2018
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    A college degree is simply a certification. In basic terms, a degree is simply a piece of paper certifying you met a certain level of scholasticachievement. But what happens in the class room doesn’t always translate into the real world.

    College degrees don’t always pay well or guarantee a job. There are many high paying degrees. But for every high paying degree, there are two low paying degrees. There are also degrees that have a limited market. Simply having a college degree doesn’t guarantee a job, nor should it. Employees need to bring marketable skills to the table, as well as the ability to continue learning, growing, and providing value for their employer.

    I am not saying people who choose low paying degrees aren’t successful – far from it. Many people choose degrees based on what makes them happy, and it is easy to admire someone who chooses happiness over wealth.

    The truth many people aren’t willing to admit is you don’t need a college degree to be successful. But you do need an education, along with a desire to continue to learn, work hard, and adapt.
  20. dudumodu

    dudumodu New Member

    Aug 2, 2018
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    Thanks for that great reminder that , aside from having acquired education, be it in class or elsewhere , getting rich requires '
    the ability to continue learning, growing, and providing value for their employer.' and society. This is useful at all times but especially if you live and work in an age of rapid technology change over. It is the reason that some highly successful people suddenly find themselves impoverished. They are unable to make the change over.

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