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How should injustice in society be addressed?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Eryn, Jan 8, 2018.

  1. Eryn

    Eryn New Member

    Jan 7, 2018
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    Injustice and inequality is an issue present throughout history in every society. Here in the United States we most often associate these concepts with the civil rights movement and the women's suffrage movement started in 1848. The fight for equality and equal standing under the law continues today. The civil rights movement in the United States was a huge leap forward in gaining equality for minorities and women also benefited by challenging societal norms defining a woman's role. Public opinion shifted and legislation was enacted to provide protection and equality. The laws enacted prevented those in American society holding prejudiced and discriminatory beliefs from acting on those beliefs. The laws and protections were absolutely necessary. Protecting the rights of all Americans must be a priority.

    American citizens who disagreed with such laws were not given a choice and were forced to comply. I do not believe forcing dissenters to comply and taking the decision to discriminate from them was incorrect or a wrong decision. As time passed more people fought to gain equality and acceptance including those referred to as 'LGBT." While forcing compliance is the correct action, I believe we are currently experiencing an unintended consequence. The rise of white nationalist groups and the emergence of extreme conservative views shows us that such thoughts and ideas never disappeared, they were merely hidden. The sheer number of people in the United States identifying with extremist views has been shocking to many of us. I do not feel it is unrealistic to believe such people did not even realize how many Americans shared such views. They had no choice but to keep their extremist ideas below the public radar until very recently.

    Forced compliance was and still is necessary, although recent events have shown it isn't enough. I have very mixed feelings concerning this issue. I do not want to imply any hint of finding these views acceptable but at the same time I believe many of us were taken by surprise when the true number of people holding such views was demonstrated. I do not know what an appropriate policy or approach should be going forward. Burying such harmful sentiments disguised the extent of their existence while allowing such sentiments to be expressed publicly would have fostered hostility and hatred.
  2. chimeewrites

    chimeewrites New Member

    Jan 8, 2018
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    Injustice is one the terrible situations we face in our society this days and its' s very painful that it's the poor and the less privileged who tend to suffer it more.

    Injustice should be addressed starting from the leaders. Where I come from, the leaders are so corrupt that they get away with anything, most times they put the blames on the poor, leaving them at their mercy. Leaders are therefore to be tackled first. They made the rules therefore they lead by example

    Organisation should be formed to help fight injustice. I won't forget the good lawyers out there, dedicated police oficers who fights injustice at all cost. Yet I know the corrupt ones supercedes them.

    Most importantly, injustice should be addressed to each and every one of us. The cause of injustice is being greedy, selfishness, lack of love for fellow human. If we learn to be contented with what we have, and see our fellow human as a brother, it will go a long way to maintain peace and harmony.
  3. Lucy kiarie

    Lucy kiarie New Member

    Jan 8, 2018
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    By educating people on effects about these injustices and making tough rules for those who are corrupt

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