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Do you like to play online or play games physically with someone?

Discussion in 'Games' started by ACEP, Sep 10, 2017.


Do you like to play online or play games physically with some one?

  1. Online Games

  2. Physical Games

  1. ACEP

    ACEP New Member

    Sep 10, 2017
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    Technology is evolving every day but it is the best to play physical games. Physical games can help your body improve and strong day by day. How about you? What's your opinion?
    vinsenspy likes this.
  2. bc007

    bc007 New Member

    Sep 10, 2017
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    Honestly,I like playing both online and physical with someone else,I like to play physical because it meets because it's more fun because my friend is sitting next to me and when we play we're talking,we're arguing who's going to win.
    We can do it again and again, checking out the forces who is better and who is more capable.
    Online gaming is something completely different and you never know who's a physical opponent and you can't talk and can't physically to argue.
    But it's still a form of game sand entertainment.
  3. vinsenspy

    vinsenspy New Member

    Sep 14, 2017
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    I respect people who prefer online games but I really think physical is 100 times better. I've always had digital games when I was a student either it's online or xbox games I'd really enjoy it a lot until my parents advised me to join a football team. That's when I started to be physically active at school in terms of sports. I even tried playing baseball which I don't consider myself good but just an average player.

    I think the only problem with online games is that they are so addictive that anybody doesn't want to do anything else when they get stuck playing. However I think that video games can really boost someone's vocabulary. Why? My little brothers have improved their English vocabulary and spelling because of playing RPG (Role-Playing Games) with heavy dialogue. Their fluency is faster than their peers, so from a language point of view I think some online games are fantastic learning tool.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2017
  4. akshaychouhan785

    akshaychouhan785 New Member

    Sep 16, 2017
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    I agree Vinsenspy. Online gaming is addictive. You can pass on hours in front of your tv or mobile screen and won't realise that it's consuming your eyes and health as well. After playing for hours and hours also you may feel the urge to finish the next incomplete mission or get to the next level ASAP. Also to get online again you don't need to move anywhere, it's just some fingertaps and ahaa! There you are..

    On the other hand while playing physically with someone teach you some of the most important skills like teamwork, coordination and most importantly it invokes a players spirit. and also you have restrictions of time limit as it is also dependent on the other players, so you can not play all the day even if you are able to.
  5. asdfghjxxkra

    asdfghjxxkra New Member

    Sep 18, 2017
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    Despte the technology that has been upgrading today. I prefer on playing physical games. The laughter, the interaction and the fun of being actually in a game creates a different bond between you and the other players. Being able to physically have a game with other people creates a sense of teamwork and unity among you and your playmates.
    akshaychouhan785 likes this.
  6. edware

    edware New Member

    Sep 30, 2017
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    Personally, I prefer to play games online. When you are playing games online with friends you don't have to worry about hygiene or having enough chairs for everyone to sit on. Despite this, I can acknowledge the benefits of playing games with friends in the same room. For example, certain games you just can't play online like basketball or football. Also, sometimes just hanging out with friends and playing games in person, as opposed to online, can make the experience feel more authentic and personal.
  7. rrreee

    rrreee New Member

    Oct 8, 2017
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    Although physical games make you healthier, I prefer online games due to it does limit your performance based on your physical characteristics.
  8. nerminbutucan

    nerminbutucan New Member

    Apr 23, 2018
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    Online gaming is one of the major trends today. In online gaming, one can play any game so long as there is an internet connection. One gets in touch with friends online and also gets an opportunity to compete with people they previously did not know but have met online. With online gaming, one has access to any games and there is no need to rent games at cyber. Through online gaming, it is very possible to develop talent and also compete a lot with other players. Online gaming is awesome because one has a variety games to select from. One can also earn money from this experience after winning games. Online gaming may be a very enjoyable experience for many but may also have negative repercussions and consequences.

    I agree, ACEP. I would rather choose playing physical games than playing online. Especially for kids. Playing outdoors is a form of exercise that promotes well-being and wholesome physical development.

    Children are naturally drawn to active play outdoors: it allows them to explore their environment, develop muscle strength and coordination, and gain self-confidence. Playing actively outdoors also increases flexibility, fine and gross motor skills and is related to the development of a wide variety of physical skills, including those involved in sports.
  9. f_liperodrigues

    f_liperodrigues New Member

    May 19, 2018
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    Online games are funnier. Playing online games is cool because you can even play with people you don't know, people from other countries, and it's nice! I like to talk to people from others countries and learn about its culture and everything.

    There are a lot of games you can play online. Games for all kind of like, that you can start to play easily on your own home with your friends or alone. I like to play FIFA, Counter-Strike, Mortal Combat, God of War, and a lot of others.

    When I want to play games, I just need to turn on my computer and play.
  10. MsExquisite

    MsExquisite Member

    Jun 2, 2018
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    I love playing games physically or online; I enjoy them both! I love playing games online for the flexibility that you get to play people around the world and to get more competitive competition and strategies and I love playing sports physical to get that one on one body contact and/or facial expressions. I have always been very competitive and enjoyed playing games rather it's online or physical because regardless you will know that I am present because I will make it be known. Gaming just depending on how it played can be very rewarding and a good exercise for the brain and/or the body; so game on.
  11. blu wish

    blu wish New Member

    Jun 5, 2018
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    I prefer to play physically, why? simply because playing online game is consuming our strength and exhausting our mind without knowingly. Yes, playing online game with someone is very enjoyable, fun and entertaining, but we tend to forget the time when we are really into it, until we didn't know that we are playing to much that our mind and eyes are already suffering. Playing online game is very addictive which is not good to our health. That's is the reason why up to now I prefer playing games physically. Not only it's fun, but it also helps me to build my strength both mental and physically. Playing physically is a good exercise for us and also, it can be a way to relieve our stress. Playing physically is seems like hitting two birds with one stone, Imagine you are playing and having fun, while building up a good, strong and healthy body.
  12. MariamAspirants

    MariamAspirants New Member

    Jun 7, 2018
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    I have chosen online games in your mini-poll. Nowadays, I find them more practical since board games are too expensive. I also do not want to take extra space of our flat to store the equipment. My husband and I love playing chess and draughts together. Even when we are out, we can play chess using our Facebook messengers.

    Apart from board games, we are into various online races on sports cars. When we are in a mood, we play them on Sunday evenings.

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