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Eat Your Vegetables

Discussion in 'Health' started by Lynn Fowler, Jun 4, 2018.

  1. Lynn Fowler

    Lynn Fowler New Member

    Jun 3, 2018
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    Victoria, Australia
    There is a great deal of dietary advice around today, and much of it is conflicting. High fat, low fat, high carb, low carb, vegetarian, paleo ... it can leave your head spinning.

    However, in spite of all the conflicting theories, there is one theme that is common to all of them, and that is the importance of vegetables. Vegetables are packed with micronutrients, vitamins and minerals, that are essential for our bodies to function in optimum health. They also provide fiber, which is necessary to keep our digestive system working properly.

    No matter what dietary system you choose to follow, the bulk of your food should be vegetables.

    Some people say they don't like vegetables, but this is often just a carry over from childhood. Our tastes change as we get older, and if you take the chance to try some of the vegetables that you think you don't like, you might find that they are actually delicious. I did this with brussels sprouts, which I had always hated. I found a new recipe for them, and now they are one of my favorites.
  2. Elizabeth Finch

    Elizabeth Finch New Member

    Jun 10, 2018
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    Hi Lynne. I felt as though your article was speaking directly to me. I hate most vegetables, and the few I don't hate, I find barely palatable.

    I have always been healthy and thin, despite a steady diet of all the wrong foods and none of the right ones. I fear, as I approach middle age, this will not remain the case. If I want continued health, I will need to drastically change my diet.

    I am hoping your theory, that my tastes have changed and when I try vegetables again I will like them, proves true. It would make this drastic change much easier.
  3. Abigael Jerobon

    Abigael Jerobon New Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    Hi Lynn. Vegetables have been a mojor part of my meals. They are rich in vitamins which act as protection in the body against diseases. Since I started loving vegetables my immune has been good! I cannot even remember the last time I fell sick.

    I mostly use the green vegetables which not only boost your immune but also increases the level of your blood. I have never missed any blood donations. I agree with you that not liking vegetables is a thing of childhood. I am a victim of that. When I was young I used to not just like kales but with time it came to be the first in my groceries' shopping list.
  4. solo247

    solo247 New Member

    Jun 13, 2018
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    It is very important to understand the health benefit of vegetable.Although some people do not like vegetable because they have not been eating it from childhood but they can still try and eat the one that is suitable to their body system.
  5. shaun08

    shaun08 New Member

    Jun 14, 2018
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    Hi everyone. Vegetables play a important part of my life and the older I get the more I have realized the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

    It reminds me of a time when I had a job faraway from friends and family. I was living on a farm with many other co workers, it was a very community based lifestyle and we grew our own vegetables. Basically we had vegetable stew almost every night for dinner.

    At first I hated it but after a while I started enjoying eating my vegetables and how good you feel about your body when you look after it. Ever since then, I have always made it a point to eat a healthy diet. Do you guys think children or even adults should be forced to eat vegetables but in a nice way of course?

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