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If you can time travel, where would you go? Past or future?

Discussion in 'Science' started by Lahn, Jun 27, 2018.

  1. Lahn

    Lahn New Member

    Jun 26, 2018
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    If I can time travel, I would definitely go back in time. If I can change or alter things from the past without hurting anyone, I would. But just like what they always say in the movies, altering things from the past can affect the time continuum and would make matters worse.

    So maybe, I can just take a peek at the past and go back to the time when my Dad was still alive. The very first time that I saw him carrying me when I was still a little baby and he's still very young. I wanted to remember his face wearing those happy eyes, no heartaches, and no pain, just plain love. So maybe, just maybe, it won't hurt anymore, even just for a little bit.
  2. Lushh

    Lushh New Member

    Sep 7, 2018
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    This is something I contemplate sometimes and I would most definitely return to the past if I could. There are so many things I would change or fix to influence a better present. I would also re-live times spent with loved ones who are no longer here.
  3. Madmanx

    Madmanx New Member

    Sep 9, 2018
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    Everyone knows the theory about travelling to the past and changing the future by making even the slightest alteration. Knowing that, it might be more reasonable to travel in the future, where technology has advanced to the point that we have more knowledge about the concept of time travelling, whic might help alot. There is a charm in both options, but none of them come without a risk, changing the past or future too much, might lead to some bad after effects.
  4. Vheeno

    Vheeno New Member

    Sep 14, 2018
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    I prefer to dwell in the past because I think the surrounding is healthier.
  5. Wilfredo

    Wilfredo New Member

    Sep 19, 2018
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    This question reminded me that I must go to the supermarket and buy my time machine ... hahaha ...

    In truth, if there were the possibility of having one of these machines and I had to choose between one that allows me to travel to the past or another that allows me to travel to the future, I would definitely choose to travel to the past. But now the question I ask myself is if I could travel only once or travel several times, because I would like to go back to every moment in which I made mistakes that could affect my loved ones and try to correct them, I would travel to every moment in which I lost opportunities that would have helped me build a better future and so on

    But as all this is still fantasy, and in the future the past is today, I think all these things must be done is in the present.
  6. lbenton2

    lbenton2 New Member

    Sep 28, 2018
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    If I could time travel I would probably go back in time. I’ve always been intrigued with the past. Sometimes looking at pictures of how people dressed or what things they owned, listening to how they talked isn’t enough. I would want to see how things have changed and also where things went wrong.

    This question kind of reminds me of the book the time machine where he went into the future where the people were all strange and fragile because they had everything done for them. He ended up going so far into the future that there wasn’t even people anymore just weird crabs everywhere. Any man who holds the power of time becomes the most powerful man in the world.
  7. Mr.Lewis

    Mr.Lewis New Member

    Nov 27, 2018
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    Traveling back in time is not possible due to the current scientific theories upon quantum physics. One can in theory slow down the passing of time in certain area of the universe. The first area in which this may occur is all around you and the universe. It is widely acknowledged and proven that light travels at one of the fastest speeds in the universe. The high speed of light slows down the passing of time due to the theory of time dilation. If one was to travel at around 99.99% the speed of light in a spaceship, a day on that spaceship would equal to 7 years on earth in earth time. The second way in which time dilation occurs is near neutron stars and black holes. This is due to the fact that the gravitational pull of these objects is so massive, that as it pulls matter towards the center of the black hole, it accelerates the matter to near light speeds. But in theory, even if you were to be sucked in by a black hole, you would not likely not experience the time dilatation due to you being stretched to death.
  8. Taka

    Taka New Member

    Dec 6, 2018
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    If I could time travel I would go to the future, I would love to see where the world would be, if newer things would be invented or even if the cure to diseases that we are battling right now would have been found. And also see what will be troubling the world at that time

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