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Would you rather join a hiking group or hike alone?

Discussion in 'Outdoors' started by Naturally Awesome, Jun 25, 2018.

  1. Naturally Awesome

    Naturally Awesome New Member

    Jun 25, 2018
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    Hiking is a fun and healthy exercise. Of all the sports and hobbies, I find it the most fulfilling. They say that a person can be in one's truest self when they come face to face with Mother Nature. That is true in a sense. Each hiking trip is a unique experience that has taught me several lessons in life that I have never learned in any other way.

    Hiking in groups, or perhaps with a trusty hiking buddy is nice for folks who are trying to create stronger bonds with each other. It's also an exciting way to meet people. Again, we are in our truest selves when we are face to face with nature. Group hikes are also meant for those who are just starting out and discovering their love for the great outdoors. Though there are a few drawbacks to it, such as shared burdens and time constraints among others, one can still gain some positive insights out of them, making the whole hiking trip more meaningful.

    On one hand, hiking solo is such a great feat that's worth a try if you want to unlock your full potential. It's the best way to conquer one's fears, develop patience, critical thinking skills and sense of direction among others. Hiking alone is also a great way of self-appreciation and self-discovery. Of course you are on your own!

    Either way, hiking is an ultimately fun and fulfilling hobby. Have you gone on hiking trips with your hiking buddies or all by yourself? In which of these hiking trips were you the most comfortable and satisfied with? Feel free to share your thoughts for the love of the great outdoors!
  2. AvadaObscura

    AvadaObscura New Member

    Sep 10, 2018
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    Honestly, I have tried both hiking alone and hiking in groups. I mostly enjoy hiking alone, because the few times I have hiked in groups, it's been a whine-fest of complaints. I like being able to manage my own time and not be limited by what someone else can or can't do. Some of the group hikes I've gone on have been to some incredibly beautiful locations that I couldn't fully experience because we could only make it half-way.
  3. Elighta

    Elighta New Member

    Sep 23, 2018
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    That was true @Naturally Awesome.
    For those convinced that solo hiking is form of self inflicted torture, I'm happy to tell you that some of my most memorable hiking experiences have been solo-adventures and it's because they weren't torturous in any way. But I'll be honest, I'm kind of an introverted-extrovert or more likely an extroverted-introvert. So, while part of me really wants you there with me, the other part of me just wants to do my own thing at my own pace. So occasionally, I end up going solo on a hiking trip.

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