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Public School versus Homeschooling?

Discussion in 'Education' started by hatterasfish, Apr 15, 2015.

  1. hatterasfish

    hatterasfish New Member

    Apr 15, 2015
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    There is a lot of controversy over the advantages and disadvantages between putting your children in public schools or homeschooling them. There are benefits to both, as well as drawbacks. In public school, children can interact with other children and start learning more about the real world. However, some children cannot learn when they are in a class with 20 other students and only one teacher.

    With homeschooling, children often get a one-on-one learning experience and can learn at their own pace. The drawback is not having interaction with other children their age, unless they come from a family with multiple children.

    A lot of children that are homeschooled are often smarter and better off in their education, but may lack people skills.

    What do you think is the better option? I think that some kids would benefit more from a public school, while others would benefit from being taught at home.
  2. Arnesha Horton

    Arnesha Horton New Member

    Apr 16, 2015
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    This subject is one I have really been thinking about lately. While not being with a peer group would appear to be detrimental- if you really think about it- how many of us are around a group of people all one age? No other time in life do we herd people together that are the same age than during the school age years. At work, church and in social clubs the range in age and experience is looked upon as a positive. I believe that our differences help us learn and help us to teach.
    Older children helping to teach younger children can establish leadership skills to the older child and humility to the younger. These qualities can transfer to necessary life skills as an adult.
    Even for the the lone homeschooled child, there can be a freedom in learning a range of things from the right adults and even other children when socializing with others outside the home.
    I guess it really all depends on the method that is used to teach the children.
  3. Llingua

    Llingua New Member

    Apr 18, 2015
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    It depends on the child and it's situation. Children who work say on TV or practice a sport like gymnastics would be better off with homeschooling. However, generally I think it's a healthier choice for all children to go to school because of the social aspect, ie; making friends.
  4. AmandaHall

    AmandaHall New Member

    Apr 18, 2015
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    І'm thе еldеst оf fоur сhіldrеn thаt, аs оf Мау, hаvе аll grаduаtеd frоm mу раrеnts' hоmе sсhооl. Тhrее gіrls аnd а bоу, wе аll hаvе dіffеrеnt іntеrеsts, dіffеrеnt strеngths, dіffеrеnt wеаknеssеs, аnd оur раrеnts wеrе bеttеr аt саtеrіng us tо dо wеll bесаusе thеу сhоsе tо hоmе sсhооl.

    Іs іt rudе tо sау І wаs thе gіftеd оnе оf thе bunсh? Мауbе, but untіl mу sіblіngs јоіn Quоrа, І fееl соnfіdеnt іn sауіng thаt І аm. Whісh mеаns thаt whеn І wаs іn mіddlе sсhооl/hіgh sсhооl, І ехсеllеd іn а lоt оf mу сlаssеs аnd wаs аblе tо sресіаlіzе іn Тhеаtеr аnd Вusіnеss Dеvеlорmеnt. Flуіng соlоrs оn thе ЅАТ аnd thе GRЕ, І wаs quісklу аnd еffоrtlеsslу ассерtеd іntо undеrgrаd аnd grаduаtе sсhооl, аnd stаrtеd mу оwn nоn-рrоfіt аt thе аgе оf 16.

    Ноmе sсhооlіng gаvе mе thе орроrtunіtу аs а studеnt tо strеtсh bеуоnd thе асhіеvеmеnts sеt іn thе сlаssrооm аnd аllоwеd mе tо сhаrt mу оwn соursе. І hаd grеаt ассоmрlіshmеnts іn асtіng аnd trаvеlіng аnd wаs аlrеаdу еstаblіshіng mуsеlf рrоfеssіоnаllу, whіlе mу frіеnds wеrе swеаtіng оvеr thе АР tеsts thrоugh mоst оf thеіr hіgh sсhооl уеаrs.

    Тhе grеаtеst gіft thаt hоmе sсhооlіng оffеrs а gіftеd сhіld іs thаt thеу аrе аblе tо рush thеmsеlvеs оutsіdе оf thе "gіftеd" dеfіnіtіоn оf thе сlаssrооm. Роtеntіаl іs tеstеd аnd рursuеd, аnd frаnklу І thіnk І wоuld hаvе bееn bоrеd іf І hаd bееn fоrсеd tо stау іn а сlаssrооm -- іn fасt, thе twо tіmеs І wаs еnrоllеd іn аn іnstіtutіоnаl "sсhооl" І wаs mіsеrаblе оut оf mу mіnd.

    Васk tо mу sіblіngs, bесаusе thеу knоw hоw tо gооglе аnd mіght еvеntuаllу fіnd thіs роst: mу brоthеr hаs bееn іntеrnіng аt аn еngіnееrіng fіrm sіnсе hіs јunіоr уеаr оf hіgh sсhооl, bоth оf mу sіstеrs hаvе blооmіng асtіng саrееrs, оnе іs аbоut tо lаunсh іntо tеасhіng thе аrts, аnd thе оthеr hаs а rееl оf сlірs аftеr bеіng tаught undеr fоrmеr рrіmе tіmе ТV dіrесtоrs. Веіng hоmе sсhооlеd аllоwеd thеm tо ехсеl іn thеіr саrееr раths, аnd twо оf thеm аrеn't еvеn lеgаl tо drіnk уеt. Вut еvеn аgе rеstrісtіоns dоn't рrеvеnt mу раrеnts frоm brеаkіng оut thе сеlеbrаtоrу сhаmраgnе еvеrу оnсе аnd аwhіlе bесаusе thеу'vе dоnе а hеll оf а јоb rаіsіng fоur fаbulоuslу gіftеd сhіldrеn.
  5. preacherbob50

    preacherbob50 New Member

    Apr 18, 2015
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    In the United States, either one is a hard sell. Home schools students do excell with their SAT's over all other venues such as private, military, charter, public or boarding. But, as has already been acknowledged, the children do lack in the interaction department.

    Interaction is more than just developing people skills, but more importantly the ability to learn from others. Students learn to react and discern right and wrong not only in academia but ethical and moral fields as well.
    The caveat to all of this is the school system of today does not teach our students to explore and search for answers. Rather, the answers are more or less handed out in an effort to allow our kids to simply pass tests rather than find answers on their own.
    What does trouble me more than anything is that subjects such as Civics, Geography, Gym, English, and the Arts are no long mandatory subjects. Our children cannot even make change without a calculator and some, I recently discovered, are not even taught how to write in the cursive script.

    There are so many differences between the two, I do suppose that the parents have a job ahead of them in order to properly educate their children. Maybe, the difference is in the child.
  6. ThaatNewMommy

    ThaatNewMommy New Member

    Apr 17, 2015
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    There is something misleading that a lot of people think when it comes to homeschooling and this is possibly because they have been closer to learning being done in a school than a home. In a school you have a classroom without about 20-30 students and a teach, maybe even a teacher's assistant. Depending on the grade and/or school, all subjects are taught within one classroom or in rotating classrooms. Same grouping of 20-30 students close in age in one room. So, because school is this way, so is homeschooling. But instead of 20-30 students in one room you have one (or more if you have siblings that are being homeschooled) in one room. That is where these people are wrong.

    Homeschooling doesn't necessarily mean "HOMEschooling". It's just a term that is generally used for those that prefer to have the learning occur outside of the school. What interaction are they missing? When you are in a school, teachers are doing their lessons and giving work. The only "interaction" you have with other students are during class switching or lunch or recess. And of course IF the teacher were to give free time. Other than that, there is no "real" interaction among the students.

    A homeschooled child is NOT LONELY. Just like there are extra-curricular activities for "regular school" students, there are also activities in which homeschooled children can participate. There is art, music, cooking, sports, etc. When a school has to go through what looks like an obstacle course to get students to a field trip, a homeschooling parent/group can pull it off much quicker. Possibly even do more of those.

    School are also set with certain standards and learning skills that students of a certain grade MUST know before passing. Not every student learns the same. Learning is something individualized, yet teaching in (most)schools isn't. That is where schools fail a lot of kids. A lot of kids that would've done better with individualized teaching like homeschooling provides.

    This being sad, not everyone can homeschool. I've seen moms lose their tempers just trying to help with school homework. Not everyone can afford to stay home and homeschool either.

    I went to public school from kindergarten to 12th (graduated). LOVE learning. School not so much. As I got older I said I would love to someday homeschool my children. Before I was even pregnant I always told my partner I would homeschool our kids. He was against the idea because, you know, schools ARE schools. Six years ago I started working as a tutor (sharing with the issues I encountered while working with private and public school students, their frustrations, their migraines...) and sharing what homeschooling could be about, and he has been on board since. At first it was a 'let's see', but two years ago we had our first child and after that it was HIM the one saying our son would be homeschooled.

    I think everyone likes customizable stuff...why shouldn't learning be one of these things?
  7. vziglar

    vziglar New Member

    Apr 19, 2015
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    I think their should be a way to implement both options. I agree that children need to develop their school skills at a young age by being around other children. In the real world they are going to have to know how to work with other people. So this is very important. However this does make it hard for some children to focus and to learn. Individual assignments should be based online and given as homework. There is a way to merge both options.
  8. rojuslap

    rojuslap New Member

    Apr 19, 2015
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    Children need to learn how to communicate with other people by going into public schools. They need friends and also knowledge on teamwork.
  9. khatlyn

    khatlyn New Member

    Apr 27, 2015
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    I really think that children should learn in public schools where they can communicate with other children and can change opinions and can learn to cooperate and to work in a team.
  10. April mccaskill

    April mccaskill New Member

    May 4, 2015
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    The problem I have with home school is the fact that there is only parent, child interaction. Your child has to be able to see whats out there and if they're sheltered they won't be ready for the real world when faced with it. On the other hand you have teachers that are just there for a paycheck. All the improper stuff children see while in schools is another.
  11. mariejane

    mariejane New Member

    May 10, 2015
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    Deerfield Beach, FL
    Home schooling is great when you have a parent that has the time to be there all those hours to help and guide the child to learn and concentrate. This only depends on how old the child is. If the child is in the 5th grade I think the child has more advantage on home schooling because mom/dad don't have to be there to guide the child as much as a child in K-3grade it's a lot easier for an older child. Now public school has the advantage that you have a childcare so that you are able to go to work and get your daily duties done. Yes! their are those teachers that go to work just to earn a paycheck and then when the child gets home you have to get your brain working again to teach your child something his teacher in schools didnt. That's why parents have to be on top of their teachers and see if they are good remodels in their kids life. But in most cases their are those great teachers that just love teaching and making a change in their students life and mom/dad can only be proud and stress free. Both public and home schools have great advantages but you as a parent need to see what's the best fit for you and your child.
  12. Nell

    Nell New Member

    May 26, 2015
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    This is a really tough question! There are so many variables with kids, their parents, their public school options. I think the right answer totally depends on the individual child and their situation. I used to be totally against homeschooling. As a public school educator, I always felt children needed the interaction and socialization provided by the public school setting. There were also a lot of extracurricular things that I felt a homeschooled child was missing. However, homeschooling has really progressed, and there are all sorts of opportunities for kids who choose this route now.

    I do believe that some people abuse it, and some kids are just sliding by. But I also believe that many, many children are receiving a great education from home. There are some children who just need the one on one, individual instruction provided by homeschooling, and for these students, I am very happy that it is an option.
  13. nathan01

    nathan01 New Member

    May 24, 2015
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    Public schools are adversely poisoned and sadly hijacked by people in absolute power. Board members of most college systems here in the United States can choose to raise college tuition whenever they feel like it. That is obnoxious! Public schools are fundamentally changed from within while private schools are improved for better results. Do bankers and globalists send their kids to public schools to receive public education? Answer is merely and ridiculously no. The whole point is public schools are not equally the same as private schools. Back then if you were black you were not allowed to attend a white school. But today, if you are poor then you cannot receive the best education as a rich kid living in Manhattan, New York.
  14. mommystayhome

    mommystayhome New Member

    May 26, 2015
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    I think that it depends not only on the child but the parent too. How hands on are you going to be able to be? Do you feel qualified to teach your child? I personally don't feel qualified to home school my children. I do have a problem with ones saying the are going to homeschool and they have a full time job. Do they think that the child is really going to learn by himself. I would feel better about homeschooling if it was computer teacher based, meaning they are being taught by a teacher online in real time.

    I am not saying that I will never homeschool, because with the world getting to be as bad as it is, I don't know how safe it is going to be to send my children to school. But if I do homeschool I will be very hands on.
  15. peaceofmind7

    peaceofmind7 New Member

    May 31, 2015
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    My best friends (and memories) are from school. Children need to gain their own experiences in order to know life. In the real world, they won't always be at home at a protected enviroment (Unless you are a millionaire) and will have to work some day. Real life will be much harder if you don't learn to deal with it from a young age.
  16. cr381121

    cr381121 New Member

    Jun 5, 2015
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    I honestly think that children being in public or private school is a better environment for them to be in. In my own opinion I believe that interaction with other children as well as guidance from teachers is important. Children will also behave differently for their teachers than they will for their parents. Their teachers also know what goals are required by the state for the child to progress to the next grade. I base my opinion on my own experience and the experience of my friends. My sister was home schooled all through high school and I was not. My sister is still a bit more immature than I am even though she is older. My best friend tried home schooling her son simply because she didn't agree with him having homework she had to do with him. She decided if he was going to have homework she had to do with him, she may as well be teaching him. So she homeschooled him for one year, then tried to send him back to school. They made him test for the grade level he should have been in and he failed. He also failed proceeding to the next grade after he had been in public school for a year. So, in short, I disagree with home schooling children. I believe daily interaction with people other than immediate family is important for a child's success. I believe that a certified teacher is also important for a child to pass those difficult tests that they have now that have extreme requirements to succeed.
  17. johanna white

    johanna white New Member

    Jun 15, 2015
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    Homeschooling is an overprotective alternative to public schooling. The child grows up without an understanding of how society really works. They won't be subjected to people from other social classes and lifestyles and that could possibly cause the child to grow up with a deeply embedded ignorance, an extreme lack in street smarts. They become adults and go out and get taken advantage of could go down the wrong path very quickly.
  18. Judy Mae

    Judy Mae New Member

    Jun 22, 2015
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    Homeschooling is better in some aspects than public schooling because you can be taught one by one. One classroom consists of 40 or more students and one teacher in public schools so there are times that students don't get the attention and learning that they need. When you are being homeschooled, your teacher will focus to your learning needs personally. Even if public schools have many students and just enough teachers, you can still learn much the same than being home schooled if you exert effort to focus. Homeschooling is much expensive compared to public schools so I prefer public schools.
  19. stardust.kie

    stardust.kie New Member

    Jul 20, 2015
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    There are advantages of both public school and home schooling. Some children may suit homeschooling better, especially children with special needs, but for me generally public school wins. I think public school is like mini-simulation of how life works. They don't only teach you academic skill but also life skill; how to interact with many types of people, gain self-confidence, how to negotiate with people, etc. School may be hard for some kids but I'm sure many people made few good memories from school.
  20. Alicia78

    Alicia78 Member

    Jul 22, 2015
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    I went to public school as a child and now that my son is in school the public schools are so much different than when I went to school. You have so much more bullying and children taking guns to school and even drugs. Now they have a sheriff at the elementary school. It seems like since they can't displune a child anymore that the public schools are not safe anymore. I am seriously considering homeschooling my son.

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