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Horror Movies, Now and Then?

Discussion in 'Movies & TV' started by Hala Al-Tinawi, Apr 14, 2015.

  1. Hala Al-Tinawi

    Hala Al-Tinawi New Member

    Apr 14, 2015
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    I am not a huge fan of horror movies in general, but my mom is and she always talks about how horror movies were so different when she was growing up, how they were not as scary as they are now. Do you guys agree? Or do you feel that they just fit the time they are being produced in? Are horror movies too scary for kids now, where they less scary and not as crazy 20 or 30 years ago?
  2. Jaquetta

    Jaquetta New Member

    Apr 20, 2015
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    I'm not really a fan of horror movies either and I do in fact agree that they are much scarier now than before. With horror movies in the past there was a sense of obviousness, as if to say the viewers already knew what was going to happen and when. In some movies, I feel there was also a sense of humor or something of the sorts. As in, everyone laughs when the actress looks behind the door and finds nothing there.

    As of now, it's as if horror movies are adhering to peoples' actual fears. For example, the movie "It" may adhere to someone's fear of clowns. It takes this childhood fear in which some may say is ridiculous and warps it into that someone would actually be afraid of. Another thing I noticed is that movies of today serve the purpose of actually scaring the daylights out of people, and not merely entertaining them. They do this by taking the movie and connecting in some way to a form of truth.

    Since I am not a fan of horror movies this does not apply to me but I feel many people love it if a horror movie is based upon a true story, it gives a sense of reality to the movie's storyline. Although, I don't know why anyone would want a psychopath to enter their home with machetes swinging and guns blazing.
  3. hope7

    hope7 New Member

    Apr 20, 2015
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    Well growing up in the 1960s, the horror movies were more tame than today. I used to love to watch the old black & white ones, like the Tingler, and the Fly both starring Vincent Price. My favorite was the movie the Blob starring Steve McQueen. I liked that it was in color and was scary, but not too graphic like the remake. I don't like the horror movies today, because of all the gore and the foul language.
  4. damsocial

    damsocial New Member

    Apr 28, 2015
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    I don't know, maybe times are different, maybe scary know means disgusting and dismember, My favorite horror movie form has to bee IT, i mean that movie always give's me goosbumps, but also the first movie about freddy and the first of Friday the 13, those one really give me nightmares, now i don't really find, movies like that, but that doesn't mean that are not scary enough maybe peopla get scary diferent now, cause now people are less inocent and less ignorant to think monster live in closet's and in nightmare's
  5. dragonslayer

    dragonslayer New Member

    May 4, 2015
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    Horror movies have changed throughout the years. It is neat to watch older ones like "The Fly" and compare. Each era of horror movies focuses on a different type as a trend. In the 70's and 80's, there was slasher movies. The 90's carried on with that. Nowadays, it is more paranormal and possession.
    The only movies that are scarey are ones that are before their time. That is why many older people can say that The Excorcist was the scariest movie they ever saw. But if you compare that to the paranormal movies out today, it would not be scarey. Paranormal and possessions are overdone now, which has watered down their value.
    As a horror fan, I am desensitized. I will say though that realistic rape scenes will make me cringe. But I can watch blood all day long.
  6. biany

    biany New Member

    May 26, 2015
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    Aquele tipo de terror com violência e sangue não me agrada. Aterrorizante mesmo é o suspense dos filmes de ficção científica como Alien e de filmes com histórias de fundo sobrenatural como O Exorcista e Atividade Paranormal, por exemplo;
  7. vegito123

    vegito123 New Member

    May 23, 2015
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    I have seen the horror movies of the 1970's and 1980's, those days the afffects were not too good, but it still gave you a good scare like Kingdom of the Spider and The Shining movie these sorts of movies would keep people up at night from the nightmares. The new movies made now, have more have something happened before and now there is vengeance and also lots of slashing and also bodies piling up and in unusual ways and sometimes I think how did the person die that easily. The Lazarus Effect is a good movie, kind of like Pet Cemetary, where the dead come back alive, but using a serum in this movie, which was meant to cure coma patients but, things go wrong and something else, occurs and the movie came out last year and has some horror in it if watching it late at night.
  8. Anonymux

    Anonymux New Member

    Jun 1, 2015
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    The old horror movies used to build up some great tension throughout the whole movie up to a point when it was really scary to watch. Nowadays, the horror movies tend to use mostly jump scares and crappy CGI to make up for their horrible plot and bad acting.

    My vote goes to the old school horror movies!
  9. Smokey

    Smokey New Member

    May 21, 2015
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    I like the older horror movies beter. They used to be a bit more suspenseful and far more creepy. The ones we get today, especially those that receive a PG-13 rating are a real joke and a slap in the face to some of the greater older flicks. Another thing that is plagued quite often with the horror genre today is crappy remakes of cult classics such as Friday The 13th, that just don't live up to the original movies anymore.

    Personally, I prefer the classics over anything 'horror' that gets put out today.
  10. alyssa_nicole017

    alyssa_nicole017 Member

    Jun 6, 2015
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    I love the horror movies that have come out in present day. Some of my favorites are the remake of Evil Dead, The Ring, Shutter, Insidious Chapter 1 and 2, and there are many more that I can not think of at the moment. I think the newer movies are much better and a lot scarier than the movies from back in the day. Some of the older horror movies I enjoy are IT, and that's the only one I can think of on the top of my head.

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