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We must change our lifestyle to eat boiled foods to avoid cancer

Discussion in 'Health' started by lumbasi, May 22, 2015.

  1. lumbasi

    lumbasi New Member

    May 22, 2015
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    We have to adopt lifestyle changes to avoid risk of cancer. I know the cancer ranks third as a cause of death after infectious diseases and heart problems. We must go back to our traditional foods and introduce into our diets healthy foods such as cassava, sweet-potatoes, yams, arrowroots and other boiled foods.
    We must also to exercise by running, jogging, swimming, gym and regular check-ups will ensure early diagnosis and treatment.
  2. vegito123

    vegito123 New Member

    May 23, 2015
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    I reckon this is a good way to, live healthy and also cooking the food properly and, eating boiled potatoes or cassava is a good way to have a good diet and I try and boil carrots or some onions sometimes in the morning for breakfast which is nice with some butter. In the modern day we live in, it is easy, getting used to eating out or just heating ready made meals which may not be good and could lead to cancer or other health problems in the body and long treatments as well. Exercise is very important, taking short walks and doing some stretches is good also and going to the doctor is very important as you can check and see how the health is and also make changes if needed also.

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