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Docs -- What is Your Situation About Visiting Them?

Discussion in 'Medical' started by Toni447, Jul 8, 2015.

  1. Toni447

    Toni447 New Member

    Jul 6, 2015
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    What's your feeling or situation, about visiting a doctor?

    Are you someone who avoids going to see the doctor? Or, are you someone who does not mind and is always going to the doctor's office?
  2. SweetPoetry77

    SweetPoetry77 New Member

    Jul 6, 2015
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    I don't like going to the doctors because I spend most of my childhood in and out of the hospital and doctors offices. Now I know that I need to go to the doctor to make sure everything is in working order I just don't like going unless I have no other option. Since I started my weight loss journey I have been to the doctor because I need check on how exercise is affecting my knees because of an old knee issue. I think that fear of the unknown also makes me hesitant about going to the doctor. I know much of my family history and I don't want to have to deal with these same health issues that have plagued other family members. That is why I am trying to get healthy so that I don't have frequently visit a doctor.
    Toni447 likes this.
  3. Toni447

    Toni447 New Member

    Jul 6, 2015
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    Guess, better to follow-up and be proactive, than to allow health issues that may be easily taken care of, get the best of us. (I know, it's easier said, than done.)
  4. stefan

    stefan New Member

    Jul 11, 2015
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    I do not like visiting doctors or as I like to call them 'white coats'. From my experience, most doctors will only prescribe a pill for you to take which will 'solve' your problem, but in reality will not do anything to cure your disease. Do not get me wrong, not all doctors are in it for the money, there are plenty of hard working doctors that mean well and want to offer the best possible care for their patients. I have great respect for the doctors that care, I just wish that more of them existed in the medical field.
  5. Stephen Hill

    Stephen Hill New Member

    Jul 14, 2015
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    Honestly I personally never visit them, I havent been for almost 20 years and my health is amazing; from what I have found out is "FAITH" the mind is a powerful thing and docs. uses this formula for clients. EX: Test subject group A got the red pill, Test subject B got the green pill ok so the doc tells them one is the real pill an only tells group B that they have the real one. So if you ask people from group A did you see any results they are going to say no, but if you ask group B ask them if they seen any results at least one person is going to say yes. Do you know why its because the doc told them this is the right pill so in their brain they made it cure what ever the pill was suppose to do, based off of this formula most docs use this method in curing you. On the news the other day the topic was "Not having a good relationship with your doc can mean bad health" yes most docs. fdont know what they are doing as in wanting to help they just want money period.
  6. debel22a

    debel22a New Member

    Jul 11, 2016
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    Unfortunately, I can't escape going to the doctor. I have numerous chronic conditions, two of which can be deadly during a bad enough flare-up, and all of which have very abnormal symptoms. So, if something hurts or if I feel under the weather, it's off to the doctor's office I go. At this point, I just take it for what it is--a necessity--and go with a smile. It's always better to be safe rather than sorry.
  7. Liz9000

    Liz9000 New Member

    Aug 4, 2016
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    I do my best to avoid doctors at all costs. I hate going. The only time I go, is when it is a big emergency. Doctors and hospitals makes my anxiety so much worse. I get really anxious when I have to go. I get anxious even if I'm not the patient.
  8. FreeThinker

    FreeThinker New Member

    Nov 2, 2016
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    No in general when I feel that I need to visit a doctor then I pick a date and do that, but in case of dentists I can't say the same at all as I have a long history with them full of fear and stupid reactions from me when i see the instruments they use, so I try me best to avoid visiting them if I can find a chance.

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