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Do you believe in ghosts?

Discussion in 'Religion & Spirituality' started by KittenErnst, Apr 17, 2015.

  1. Anuradha Singh

    Anuradha Singh New Member

    Jun 21, 2015
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    Ghosts are spirits. Common understanding is that they are spirits of disembodied humans who linger on the earth plane. I do not believe this to be the case. When the spirit/soul leaves the body at death, it goes to its own place. What then are ghosts ? Most likely they are the spirits of deceiving demons who seek to confuse and deceive men concerning the nature of spiritual realities so as to bring them down to destruction.
  2. laurie123

    laurie123 New Member

    Jun 26, 2015
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    Yes I do believe in ghosts. I had experiences with them as a teenager playing with a wiji board. Don't ever use those things! I also seen them here and there now too. I don't think they are all bad, some just haven't crossed over yet or are stuck and can't. I also believe some might be spirits coming down from heaven and hell. The good ones try and help or leave you alone and the bad bug you and won't leave. I think I have one in my house, a girl from the pioneer days. She wears a bonnet and dress. My husband and sons have seen her, I haven't yet.
  3. silverleafy

    silverleafy New Member

    Jun 27, 2015
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    1. Maybe it's my imagination or lack of imagination or, why, but I just don't believe in ghosts. However when I go to the movies and watch a ghost movie, sometimes I do get very scared by them.
  4. clickittt

    clickittt New Member

    Jun 28, 2015
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    Massachusetts, USA
    I really don't believe in ghosts or anything paranormal. My thoughts on this are that if anything paranormal actually existed, scientists would have proven it already. All those videos and pictures online are hoaxes and are usually proven fake pretty quickly. I guess some people enjoy believing in things like this though, and I don't hold that against them.
  5. itsmeagain

    itsmeagain New Member

    Jun 25, 2015
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    I haven't seen one but it doesn't mean I don't believe in ghost. Sometimes I doubt the existence of ghost and I don't really want to believe in them. But some stories of friends and relatives makes me want to believe that they exist. Science sometimes have explanations to debunk existence of ghosts so I don't really know what to believe but some of my friends claim they can see ghosts so I think ghosts are real but only a few can see them.
  6. Dovile

    Dovile New Member

    Jul 11, 2015
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    When I think of it, It gives me the creeps and makes really scream.In fact, I don't watch scary movies alone because I am really that scared even if it is just a movie. My sister saw a black lady near the bridge in our province,when she was 8 years old and after she saw that, she got a high fever. My sister have a mole at her eyes and a lot of people says that if you have that, you will see ghosts. But I still do not believe in ghost because I have not seen one and I wish not to see any because it would give me a heart attack.
  7. stefan

    stefan New Member

    Jul 11, 2015
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    Yeah, i believe that ghosts exist. I have my experiences to prove that, i have memories where tiny objects would appear on a desk or a table without me putting there. Now, there are two possible explanations for this. 1. That my memory is really bad and i cannot remember where I put tiny objects or 2. That ghosts or something else exists that places these tiny objects on desks for me to see. I can never be able to prove that these experiences are real, but they always boggle my mind when thinking about them. By the way, i really hate those reality shows, where they try to catch ghosts or try to communicate with ghosts in the dark during the night. I think those shows exist purely for show business.
  8. EdgardoG

    EdgardoG New Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    I believe in Ghosts as well as Aliens but the difference is they are not Ghosts or Aliens, they are Demonic Spirits and Fallen Angels, there is no such things as Ghosts from the dead people, when people die that is it they cannot come back, but demons take their form to deceive people into thinking they are their dead relatives, just look up some testimonies of former Satanist that are now believers in Jesus and they will tell you what Ghosts are.

    God bless.
  9. thefernbrah

    thefernbrah New Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    I definitely believe in ghosts. I believe all people that are skeptics have not had any experience. To have such an experience where you cannot rationalize anything or explain an occurrence is something truly frightening.

    One of the most vivid instances I can remember was one day when I was sleeping in because I was allowed to not go to school. I noticed it was late and just put my head back on my pillow and through my ear on the side of the pillow something said "PSSSSSSSSSST". I immediately got up and tried to rationalize what had just happened. But there was no way around it. I cannot explain how I felt in that moment but it was something between fear and awe.
  10. alaedin

    alaedin New Member

    Jul 16, 2015
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    I do believe in the other side. It's just there. And sometimes it gives us signs that it exists.
    I was living in a neighborhood that had a haunted house. A creepy house with objects moving from one place to another. Lights turning on, even though there's no electricity going through the house. And you just get very cold once you enter inside.
    Yes, the other side does exist. Ghosts, Demons, Jin...whatever you call them, they exist.
  11. lynda.wilson187

    lynda.wilson187 New Member

    Jul 18, 2015
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    Тhе fіrst tіmе І sаw а ghоst, І wаs оnе. Ноwеvеr І dоn't rеmеmbеr sееіng thіs ghоst, mу mоthеr саn sее thеm tо аnd tоld mе thаt shе sаw mу grеаt grаndmоthеr аftеr І ореnеd thе gіft shе gоt mе shоrtlу bеfоrе shе dіеd. Ѕhе tоld mе І hаd сrаwlеd tоwаrd hеr аnd sаіd "Тhаnk уоu"

    As І grеw І stаrtеd tо sее аnd rеmеmbеr sееіng thеm. Whеn І wаs 8 І wаs slееріng аt mу Grаndfаthеr's hоusе аnd І hаd stауеd аwаkе whіlе еvеrуоnе еlsе wеnt tо slеер. Аrоund 2:00аm І nоtісеd іn thе uрреr соrnеr оf thе dооr wаs а wеіrdlу trаnsраrеnt, сlоud lіkе Оbесt. І rеаlіzеd іt lооkеd lіkе а fеtus іn thе wоmb. І wаsn't sсаrеd, І dіdn't knоw whаt іt rеаllу wаs, аs І shіftеd mу hеаd sіdе tо sіdе іt wоuld сhаngе shаре . І еndеd uр wrіtіng thе еvеnt іn mу јоurnаl аnd shаrіng іt аt "rеаdіng tіmе" durіng сlаss. Тhеу hаd sеnt mе tо thе оffісе аnd саllеd mу mоthеr bесаusе thеу thоught thеrе wаs sоmеthіng wrоng wіth mе аnd І wаs "роіsоnіng оthеr kіds mіnds"

    Whеn І wаs 11 mу fаthеr sаіd hе wаs hаuntеd bу twо ріtсh blасk sріrіts whо wаntеd tо hurt hіm. І wаs sіttіng іn hіs rооm wіth mу mоthеr, brоthеr, fаthеr, аnd mуsеlf whісh іs а tоtаl оf 4 реорlе. Аnd mу lіttlе brоthеr stаrtеd lаughіng аnd І wаsn't surе whу, аnd І sаіd "Dуlаn, Ноw mаnу реорlе аrе іn thіs rооm? Аnd hе rерlіеd "6" І аskеd hіm tо роіnt tо thеm аnd hе соuntеd аll оf us аnd twісе іn а соrnеr nо оnе wаs іn. Не dіdn't hаvе аnу іmаgіnаrу frіеnds..

    Whеn І wаs 12 І wаs sіttіng іn mу grаndmа's rооm аlоnе drаwіng а рісturе оf sоmе реорlе іn mу bооk. Аnd thеn аll оf а suddеn tо mу rіght, іn thе соrnеr оf mу еуе wаs thіs Нugе соllесtіоn оf blасknеss rіght bеsіdе mу hеаd, аs іf sоmеоnе wаs lооkіng оvеr mу shоuldеr аt mу drаwіng. І sсrеаmеd аnd І саllеd mу mоm аnd sаt оutsіdе.

    А соuрlе mоnths lаtеr Му lіttlе brоthеr аnd І wеrе hоmе аlоnе аnd hе hаd а tаntrum аbоut hіs vіdео gаmе sо І tоld hіm tо lау dоwn. Не wаs сrуіng sо І lаіd dоwn nехt tо hіm аnd І sаng bесаusе hе lіkеd іt. Whіlе І wаs sіngіng І kіndа lіftеd mу hеаd uр аnd іn thе dооr wау wаs а Ріtсh Вlасk fіgurе thаt wаs аrоund 6ft tаll. Не hаd nо fеаturеs оr аnуthіng, аnd іt lооkеd bаld sіnсе thеrе wаs nо furthеr dеfіnіng fеаturеs bеsіdеs а blасk fіgurе оf а mаn. Тhе еdgеs wеrе сlеаr аnd smооth, nо rоugh еdgеs, nо trаnsраrеnсу, nоthіng. Іt lооkеd аs іf а mаn stооd thеrе drеssеd іn а blасk lаtех bоdу suіt. І wаs аfrаіd, thе аіr саmе оut оf mу lungs аnd І соuldn't brеаthе І wаs јust sо hоrrіfіеd. І рut mу hеаd dоwn fоr а sесоnd аnd lооkеd bасk uр аnd wаs gоnе.
  12. cmwebii

    cmwebii New Member

    Jul 14, 2015
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    The world has wondered on ghost existence from time to time.This has been a topic of discussion for a long time.Many have accepted and others have rejected the notion on about ghost.Many have told tales of visits of love ones after life and even have proof of the same.

    Many have heard about ghost tales, but do they actually know what is a ghost?

    Some say a ghost is a disembodied spirit of a dead person and it is invisible. A ghost has the power to let people see it.It is also believed ghost dress in white robes.

    The fact remains ghost do exist. This is because humanity cannot believe in spirits just like that. Even the Holy Bible supports the same. Human have the body, soul and spirit. Jesus proved ghosts exist in the bible. Ghosts have a role to play in our lives in understanding humanity.
  13. Dachiraju Gautham Raju

    Dachiraju Gautham Raju New Member

    Oct 11, 2015
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    Yes ghost do exist. Ghost's exist in a subtle form made up of four Elements fire, water, air, and sound. Many people become ghost when they die premature before the destined time example: Suicide is considered an eternal crime according to "Hindu philosophy" and falling down from the hill and drowning in water and getting killed by someone and death caused fire burns incidents and death by a dog bite is said to be a cause of becoming a ghost.
  14. Nkululeko Dlamini

    Nkululeko Dlamini New Member

    Nov 2, 2015
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    I've heard stories and I've seen videos about Ghost but I don't really believe that Ghosts exists because I've never seen one yet after 24 years living in the same world as the people that say they have witnessed a Ghost before.
  15. Mwazaule

    Mwazaule New Member

    Nov 15, 2015
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    I recently found a website that teaches a person to contact ghosts. According to the site, ghosts are dead spirits that died prematurely and are waiting for their time for them to go to their spiritual world. Scarry stuff. Anyway I believe in ghosts because if people can contact them- of course I will never do- then they are real.
    There are also those crazy YouTube videos that show possible ghost sightings. ( I am getting goosebumps).
  16. aimayaram

    aimayaram New Member

    Nov 17, 2015
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    I like the idea of ghosts but I don't believe in them. If I actually see some ghosts, I will believe, a bit like Saint Thomas, I think. When I was small, I used to think that there was a ghost in the dark corridor and the kitchen. That's when I woke up at night. Ghosts are rarely seen in daylight, aren't they?
  17. lena

    lena New Member

    Nov 22, 2015
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    I have never had a thought that such spirits exist. I do not believe in their existence because I have never had an experience of them. As a christian who believes in God l will never believe in their existence neither will I listen and believe to life stories that people say about them.
  18. Cagney Shipp

    Cagney Shipp New Member

    Nov 4, 2015
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    Brandon, MS
    I do believe in ghost, and here is why. My cousin and I were 16 years old driving home from work one night, we lived down a country dark road. As we approached these trees on the right hand side we saw the figure of a child, we both freaked knowing how late it was. So we turned the car around and went back to help the child, when we approached the tree line there was only fog there. This night was a clear night no fog anywhere else. The next morning I just could not shake the feeling that something was not right. When I passed the place we had seen the figure the night before I realized there was a small pond right behind the thin treeline.

    I told a friend that lived near the area about the prior events and she informed me a small girl around the age of 5 had drown in the pond about 20 years ago. The family had moved away from the land but could not bear the thought of selling the property. She later brought me a newspaper clipping her grandmother had kept from the date of the tragic event. The night that we saw the figure was actually the 21 years to the day she passed away.

    It was a strange event that will stick in my mind forever.
  19. Melissa T

    Melissa T New Member

    Dec 5, 2015
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    I believe in them. I have had a few experiences in feeling and seeing them with my own eyes.
  20. hipopotamo92

    hipopotamo92 New Member

    Dec 7, 2015
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    I dont believe in ghosts, I think it is only a figment of our imagination. Someday someone had the idea to create such beings to scare somebody. A lot of people believe in it, but I think it is not true.

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