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Have you ever broken bones? Tell your story.

Discussion in 'Medical' started by lludawg, Jul 2, 2015.

  1. Ruellyn Ortega

    Ruellyn Ortega New Member

    Apr 23, 2021
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    Manila, Philippines
    I broke my legs when I was 10 years old, but that was not my fault. Me and my father was riding a new motorcycle that he bought. We really enjoyed the ride until a dog follow us around, and it was really terrifying since it was a big, fierce dog. And so, the ending was the motorcycle bumped in a post and my legs kinda got caught in it. And that's the first time, I was hospitalized and got cast on my legs which cause an atrophy.
  2. ja4lite

    ja4lite New Member

    Oct 10, 2021
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    I broke my pinky bone on my right hand because I had punched the post on the backyard porch at my Mom's house. Usually I would punch things and feel 'fine', but this time I got distracted by birds or something and I failed to land my punch flushly, thusly ... I was in an uncomfortable cast for about a month, all over a dumb mis-landed punch.

    I would say that I broke my nose falling off a jungle gym because I thought i was an Olympian (at age 9), but I think it was bone cartiledge that time.
  3. TianaMeador

    TianaMeador New Member

    Nov 8, 2021
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    I've been pretty resilient to sickness most of my life, which includes breaking bones. I have one particular story that I find quite amusing I like to call the Giant Pumpkin Ordeal. My boyfriend and I at the time were setting up a small carnival for the preschool I worked for and decided to purchase a few extremely large pumpkins for the photobooth area. We got lucky and ended up paying an awesome price for some 200+ pound pumpkins that were perfect for kids to sit and climb on for pictures. So we snagged them, had help loading these monsters into our station wagon, and headed back to the preschool to show off our goodies. When we got there, we hadn't anticipated the unloading process. My boyfriend and I were responsible for unloading the massive pumpkins by ourselves with the help of a rickety old wheel barrow. After some struggle getting each pumpkin (I think we had about three, all a couple hundred pounds or so) into the wheel barrow, we loaded the last one and overzealously began rolling the wheel barrow directly over my right foot! I let out a noise that let my boyfriend know something was wrong and he immediately backed the wheel barrow back up over my foot. OUCH! Two hundred or so pounds rolled twice over my right foot left me with some pretty decent damage to all my toes and the few top bones on my foot. I took my show off and my foot turned purple and swelled up almost immediately. Tried to wriggle my toes to no avail. Yes, they were all broken. As unpleasant as that was though, I knew there was not much a doctor would do about it. I'd go in, they'd tell me to stay off it, maybe put some kind of cast or brace, but for the most part ice and elevation would be the remedy. So, I limped around on it for a few weeks trying not to strain it too much and it healed mostly fine. It looks a little funny now.

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