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Being a Wallflower

Discussion in 'Outdoors' started by mark, Sep 5, 2018.

  1. mark

    mark New Member

    Sep 5, 2018
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    Wallflower. That’s the best word to describe who I was and because of that, both my personal and professional life were infested with challenges. “What ifs” and “what might have beens” were constant. This Wallflower was always looking for perfection and success. Perfect decisions, perfect responses and successful end results. As I mature and get to know different people, I realized that perfection and success are the result of hard work. Learning from failures, I developed loyalty and persistence which proved to be my one, two punch. I’ve made some bad choices in life, but I learned that the secret ingredient to redeem yourself is to admit that you made a wrong decision, move forward and to make sure that it will never happen again. It’s not about accepting defeat, but rising from failure and taking the challenge head on. I have so much love for what I’ve gone through, what I’ve overcome because I lived and I learned and that makes everything worth it.
  2. scash2012

    scash2012 New Member

    Dec 3, 2018
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    I definitely agree with that. A year ago, I was accepted into a PhD program for biology. I thought this was what I wanted. Only after a few months, I realized I was miserable. I felt like I was letting myself down. Then, I realized that if I was unhappy, I should change it. I ended up leaving the program and found an even better route to achieve my goals. It was a hard decision, and I learned a lot about myself through all the change. I am much happier with the route I chose!

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