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Bringing up a child

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by ahmedo24, Jul 29, 2017.

  1. ahmedo24

    ahmedo24 New Member

    Jul 29, 2017
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    Parenting simply refers to all activities and responsibilities carried out by a father, mother or both to grow and develop a child to an adult appropriately . It is the desire of every parent to grow and develop a child excellently though some parents find it difficult to sacrifices their time in achieving good parenting. The growth and development of a child basically depend on the social environment. Social environment refers to individual’s physical surroundings, community resources and social relationships. Physical surroundings simply refers to the weather conditions, house settings, road networks and the general neatness. Community resources have to with health facilities to delivered quality and intensive treatment. Standard school facilities for quality education, religion facilities to enhance moral incorporation , recreational centers for relaxation and refreshing etc. Social relationship involves the interaction between various individuals or groups. In every society people interact to achieve a common goal.

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