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Broccoli Pills: A New Way To Fight Cancer

Discussion in 'Medical' started by Ankisha, Jan 2, 2016.

  1. Ankisha

    Ankisha New Member

    Dec 31, 2015
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    A diet abundant in green vegetables can help prevent many diseases, is a theory we all are very well aware of. But, now it will be able to fight existing cancerous cells also, and this is all possible due to a compound 'sulforaphane' usually found in dark green vegetables.

    A new research has found that broccoli, when converted into pills, is fighting efficiently against cancer.

    Isn't that enough of a reason why our platters should incorporate more greenery on a regular basis.
  2. Gemini8787

    Gemini8787 New Member

    Feb 16, 2016
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    Yes, that is very interesting. Broccoli is so healthy that it makes sense a concentrated form of it in a pill would provide some health benefits. Taking a pill might be an easy way to get the benefit of green veggies without having to eat them. I'm sure, however, that there are more benefits to eating the actual vegetable (such as fiber). Of course, a pill can provide high levels of the important nutrient that fights cancer, whereas eating the equivalent amount of broccoli to get that level likely is not feasible.

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