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Calling Yourself A Christian

Discussion in 'Religion & Spirituality' started by Jony24, Aug 12, 2020.

  1. Jony24

    Jony24 New Member

    Aug 12, 2020
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    Having found Jesus is a beautiful thing.Your life seems to have meaning. You’ve seem to have found something that brings you great joy and happiness. Your loneliness and emptiness have disappeared. Praise the Lord.

    Anyone that has accepted Jesus in their heart is considered to be a follower of Jesus Christ. So, when anyone asks you, “Are you a Christian?”, certainly you’re going to reply, “yes, I am”. Now there is a big responsibility in calling yourself a Christian. One needs to know that in calling yourself a Christian, you are representing the ministry that Jesus started. Not any of the chuches that exist, but the ministry of Jesus Christ. The danger of this is, is that by not living up to the standards of what Jesus laid out for us to follow we could very well give God a black eye. Let me explain. People are going to be people, and if they see the opportunity to make themselves feel good about themselves, they will. What it is, is that people like to point fingers. And when it comes to religion, they will convince themselves of things like Christians are a bunch of hypocrites and why would I want to become one of them or look at the Catholic priests that are molesting little boys. What about the Muslims? Certainly they’re not all terrorists, yet have one come around and people begin to judge them without even getting to know them. Understand what I’m trying to get at.

    People love dirty laundry. It seems that the worse it is, the better for them. I’m definetly not denying that I haven’t been there myself pointing fingers. It seems like we need to do this, so that we can feel a little better about ourselves and not have to really see who we really are. We can be quick to judge others, but when it comes to ourselves, forget it. You have to remember that people are always watching you. Not so much as to be in waiting for you to slip up, but your conduct. If they see a mild mannered, polite, easy going person that is kind and cosiderate then that’s what they’re going to see. But if they see a rude, nasty, foul mouthed, angry person then that is what they are going to see.
  2. RonDave

    RonDave New Member

    Aug 22, 2020
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    I agree that it is a great responsibility to call oneself a Christian for many reasons. Firstly, Christianity embodies a lot of morals and values that together make a Christian stand out from the others, and if we don't uphold those values, someone, be it from outside the community or within, will find it difficult to place such a person in their social acceptance. They shouldn't have to get confused about looking up to someone calling themselves a Christian for some unconditional love, care, concern and aptitude that they may expect during their church experience.

    Apart from that, a Christian represents Christ and his teachings, so he/she learns at church to do exactly that in their personal as well as professional life without causing an inexperienced one to go astray by looking at their christian life.
  3. bluerose

    bluerose New Member

    Nov 13, 2020
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    Being a Christian is a gift from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He laid down his life for all mankind of this world. Reading his word the Bible
    is his letter to us on how to live the christian life. He is coming back soon to take all christian home to be with him

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