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Evolution or Creationism?

Discussion in 'Religion & Spirituality' started by William Penn, Jun 22, 2018.

  1. William Penn

    William Penn New Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    Im an atheist,but I want to believe in something more than myself.How do you keep your faith despite the hardships in life.Would god really make such a cruel world for his people?
  2. jeffreyjose87

    jeffreyjose87 Member

    Sep 14, 2018
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    Creationism, the belief that the universe and the various forms of life were created by God out of nothing (ex nihilo). It is a response to modern evolutionary theory, which explains the emergence and diversity of life without recourse to the doctrine of God or any other divine power. Mainstream scientists generally reject creationism.

    Biblical creationists believe that the story told in Genesis of God’s six-day creation of all things is literally correct. Others, such as old-Earth creationists, believe that a creator made all that exists, but they may not hold that the Genesis story is a literal history of that creation. Both types of creationists, however, believe that changes in organisms may involve changes within a species (often understood as the “kind” mentioned in Genesis 1:24) or downward changes such as negative mutations, but they do not believe that any of these changes can lead to the evolution of a lower or simpler species into a higher or more-complex species. Thus, the theory of biological evolution is disputed by all creationists.
  3. GuestHu

    GuestHu New Member

    Jan 20, 2019
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    I strongly believed in evolution because it composed of a lot of evidence exhibiting that natural selection occurs. Many people do not believe this concept because it is just a "theory" but a theory is more than a conjecture. A theory is a basket containing facts and evidence that supports the hypothesis, a surmise of an observant. In fact, evolution is still happening which most people are oblivious about and deny that it is part of evolution.

    I will cite some products of evolution: human blue eyes, people with no wisdom tooth, shark fish turning into parthenogenesis and pests that are becoming immune to toxic pesticides.

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