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Game of Thrones is ruined now

Discussion in 'Movies & TV' started by Anastasiia Fomych, Dec 2, 2018.

  1. Anastasiia Fomych

    Anastasiia Fomych New Member

    Dec 2, 2018
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    Game of Thrones is a popular show, the lore is deep, the characters are great and the writing is… HORRIBLE.

    Before I’ll proceed, I want to say that I’ll be watching Game of Thrones till the very end, even though for me it went downhill after the recent seasons when the directors stopped being true to the book of George R. R. Martin.

    I know the books came to an end, and the writer didn’t have time to finish them, but let’s be true. The directors didn’t follow them accordingly at the beginning as well.

    I still watch Game of Thrones now, and the characters just don’t feel the same (many other things also), they seem like a shadow of their former self, an empty shell. Most importantly, Game of Thrones began to include modern political views into the standards of their show characters. From a show with deep lore and plot twists it turned it’s a boring action series with predictable outcomes.


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