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Google Maps fantasy

Discussion in 'Outdoors' started by Philip Barnabas Ochieng, Feb 22, 2022.

  1. Philip Barnabas Ochieng

    Philip Barnabas Ochieng New Member

    Feb 21, 2022
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    Does anyone else spend all their time staring at Google Maps?
    I don't know if anyone else does this, but on an almost daily basis I will get sucked in exploring some far-off corner of the world. I love zooming in on remote islands in the middle of the ocean, and clicking around in rural places to find pictures of the towns and villages there. It's so addictive.
    Sometimes I'll think that I've seen everything on there, but then I'll find a whole new corner of the planet I hadn't noticed before, and begin my search anew.
    I realise this isn't a replacement for actually getting out and exploring (which I do as often as I can), but still, it's a wonderful piece of technology and holds seemingly infinite fascination for someone like me.
    Surely I can't be the only one who enjoys doing this.

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