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How do you feel about book-based movies?

Discussion in 'Movies & TV' started by Naturally Awesome, Jun 25, 2018.

  1. Naturally Awesome

    Naturally Awesome New Member

    Jun 25, 2018
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    I know that it's a growing trend these days. I have nothing against the idea, but it seems that movie producers are now finding it a lot easier to find a book and get a movie franchise based on it. This concept has some pros and cons of this growing trend that I have come up with:

    1. It gives a whole new dimension to the story lime with the visuals and everything.
    2. It makes fans want to either buy a copy of the book, re-read it, or have a point of comparison (i.e. how is the book compared to the movie), thus engaging more discussions.
    3. It benefits other businesses as well (i.e. boosting the sale of exclusive merchandises for the book or movie's fan base).

    1. The moment it becomes mainstream, it limits opportunities of moviemakers. For the lack of a movie concept, they tend to veer into the easy way: just get a book and turn it into a movie.
    2. Some book-based movies tend to make drastic changes to the original creation, which "ruin" the book. Based on personal experience, fans of the book often get frustrated with the movie outcome because of these changes.
    3. Book-based movies could also get people lose interest in reading, because they would just wait to watch the movie anyway.

    So what do you guys think of this concept of book-based movies? Your thoughts are all appreciated.
  2. Mitsio

    Mitsio New Member

    Jul 25, 2018
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    I feel like it's nice to have a visual to go along with the words on the book, and certain confusing parts can be cleared up through visual aids. Although I enjoy watching movies based on books as it helps me understand the content better, it also annoys me that so much detail is cut from the movie. Books are still my number-one option vs. the movies they were based on, because they contain detail, and mundane scenes which make it easier for it to feel realistic and allow the reader to connect with the characters. When the boring scenes are cut in movies because they won't sell enough tickets in the box office, they seem very fake to me.
  3. Silent

    Silent New Member

    Aug 8, 2018
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    Oh yeah. We are talking now about the great horror movie IT(2017) . This movie is a remake of a book written by Stephe King. The chapter 1 appeared in 2017 , the movie was awesome! The chapter 2 will appear in 2019 , I am waiting for that movie since I saw the first one xD. Stephen King is my hero :D (a very crazy mind).
  4. Paufa

    Paufa New Member

    Aug 15, 2018
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    I think this trend started because filmmakers wanted a better guarantee of the success of the films they release. Book-based films already have a large fan-base and the storyline has already been approved by the fans. It limits the risk and makes finding funding easier.

    That is also the same situations with musicals. Most musical movies have already been released in broadway first. This was why 'Lalaland' was such a big deal due to its originality.

    We also see this effect happening with sequels. Sequels are a guaranteed hit. That is one of the reasons Hollywood is spitting out sequels again and again and again. Some movie franchises have reached 6 or 7 sequels already and they still earn money. Filmmaking is still an industry, so it is still driven by the cash.

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