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I rewatched Avatar after 9 years or so, the visuals are still unmatched

Discussion in 'Movies & TV' started by rhems091, Feb 4, 2019.

  1. rhems091

    rhems091 New Member

    Feb 2, 2019
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    I know people like to hate Avatar nowadays. Even I, a person, who's seen it seventeen times in IMAX freely admit that the story is nothing to write home about.

    But man, the world building and the visuals. After seeing that Avatar is available on HBO Go, I decided I might give a chance, and see if I still like it after all these years (I was 14 when the movie came out, which feels like the ideal age). I started watching, fully prepared to be disappointed, and for the first few minutes, I sort of was.

    But the magic of Avatar lies on Pandora, the world still holds up and the visuals are unbelievable. Even now, 9 years later, which feels like a lifetime when talking about technology and progress, there isn't a single frame, a single blade of grass that looks fake. Within 10 minutes I was back on Pandora and it was like I never left.

    If you hadn't seen the movie for a while, give it a chance. The story is cliché and it's been told thousand times before, but the word is unforgettable.

    Can't wait for the sequels.

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