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Is getting rich really Worth it?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Ben Korir, Mar 1, 2018.

  1. Ben Korir

    Ben Korir New Member

    Feb 26, 2018
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    For most part of my life, I have known from experience how being poor sucks. And in all the years when I was young, my ultimate goal and purpose in life was to get out of poverty and make our home at least something worth calling a home.

    As at now, I can say we are better. But I just have a feeling that something is incomplete. And there are three things that stand out in my life:

    Greed - Although I have most of the material things that I had desired, I still have a need to have more.

    Lost purpose
    - I no longer have the need to go further. My life seems to be at peak, and I don't really know what to do.

    Laziness - This days I divide all my time in the internet hoping from one social media to another just seeking what may capture my attention.

    All this just started when I felt I had achieved what I really wanted - money!

    So is it really worth being rich?
  2. Raymond Chen

    Raymond Chen New Member

    Mar 20, 2018
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    Wealth can be extremely helpful in a couple of ways: you don't need to worry about your house or food supply and can delve into the finer, more luxurious things in life. However, after a while, these things can get repetitive and almost hollow...Poor families tend to have a closer bond with one another because (well one, their living space is tinier) and also they're forced to cohesively bond with each other because everyone has a part in making ends meet. Vacations feel more special to poor families because they know this is something they can't get all the time or whenever they snap their fingers. In my head, if I ever get wealthy, I would become a Renaissance Person, and try to explore the world and what it has to offer as much as I can.

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